1975 And The Life Everlasting Book.

by Bangalore 72 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cabasilas

    For those wanting more documentation of the 1975 statements in Watchtower publications. See these 3 Awake! issues from this file:


  • wasblind

    It tickles me to think that JW's believed that after the big "A"

    they would be able to pick and choose from any nice home they

    desired. They'll be better of waitin' on a foreclosed home in this


  • AGuest

    Well, they may have not explicitly stated it, dear Debator (peace to you!), but they certainly believed it. Per Carey Barber (to me personally), anticipation of the end arriving in 1975 was the very reason the GB at the time turned every last bit of its power and authority over to the "Joshua Class"... in 1972. As I posted previously, he obviously wasn't at all happy about having been "tricked" so (no, he didn't actually say that, but his face was better reading that the front page of the New York Times Sunday edition). Actually, now that I think of it, he may just have been PO'd that he was so wrong... though how he could have ever thought he was right, given that apparently Christ does not speak directly to them... is totally beyond me.

    Anyway, they may not have published it outright to the rank and file (although, many must have thought they did, 'cause they went out and splurged like it was 1999)... but they CERTAINLY published it to the GB (or the GB published it to themselves, whatever).

    Again, I bid you peace... and a serious wake up call as your comment here is one of the most... ummmm... what do you call it when an ostrich puts its head in the sand... blatant acts of just not WANTING to know the truth... that I have ever seen in all my years in this "place." Time to get some ears, dear one... and a clue. If not to their lies, at least to your own inexplicable lack of desire to at least TRY to learn what is true... and what isn't.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • 3dogs1husband

    My husbands bethel Grandparents, sold their house (donate to the WTBTS) bought a camper and moved to the dessert to wait out it out, and to preach of course. His parents followed suit, they ceraintly believed in Stay alive till 75.

  • brotherdan

    But there was not a SPECIFIC promise that Jehovah would bring an end to the 6000 years in using Armageddon at that time! Get it right! I mean, did they say the words, "Jehovah WILL bring an end to this wicked system in 1975!"


    Debator was right! No such thing was said. And because no such thing was said, YOU cannot say that Jehovah's Witnesses are a false religion.

    Besides...they acknowledge that they were mistaken a few years after this was shown to NOT be true. So give them a break!!!

    You guys...you are all pathetic!!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    How old are you? Were you there in 1975 at the convention when it was said therew were months perhaps only weeks left in this old system of things?

    I was there. And NO ONE gets up on a platform at a convention without a script written and approved by the WTS. NO ONE.

  • wasblind

    Bro Dan,

    does this mean that as long as you correct a mistake like that

    you won't be considered a false prophet ?

  • wasblind
  • zoiks

    I think brotherdan is being just a bit facetious...perhaps playing WT's devil's advocate. Just a guess

  • Ding

    You mean they're not false prophets because they admit to false prophesying???

    (Actually, they won't even admit that; they just threw JWs who believed them under the bus.)

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