1975 And The Life Everlasting Book.

by Bangalore 72 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wasblind

    Imagine, if exwitnesses destroyed everything, they would have nothing to fight with

    JW's ain't gonna look at apostate material, but they will look at their own.

  • designs

    Fred Franz's world view will be relegated to the 'Old Light ' closet.

    This is a religion that knows how to compartmentalize. The young start waking up and making decisions in the late teens and early twenties and the adults start waking up in their 40s.

    If you want a productive and engaged life in the world around you then you make the changes necessary.

  • paladin

    Where can I buy a hardcover reprint of this book on line?

  • blondie
  • wasblind

    Some Brothers and Sisters assumed '75 would be the end, they went beyond what was taught

    the WT never taught that

    Ask any JW today and that's what they will tell you.

  • wasblind

    Like I stated in another post, one Brother didn't believe me about

    Beth -Sarim until I showed him the proclaimers books, my question

    is why did he not know this, unless he did know it and tried to play it off

    until I threw proof up in his face. BTTT

  • debator

    look at the book

    what does it put on the year 1975?

    Certainly not Armageddon.

    The 6000 years is marked so only showing Armageddon was hoped for but not taught as definite or doctrine.

  • Ding

    Kool-Aid time again!

  • designs


    Fred's theology on Septemmillennialism was very simple: 6000 year Adam to the beginning of Armageddon and then the Millennium.

    6000 years - Big A Kaaboom - 1000 years of the Millennium

    Anytime you want to learn about JW theology just ask a pro....Me.

  • thetrueone

    The 6000 years is marked so only showing Armageddon was hoped for but not taught as definite or doctrine.

    The 6000 year time table was a calculated lie anyways, since its impossible for anyone by using bible chronology

    to make this exact calculation as the WTS had done.

    See Debator, we're going to have to call you Lying Debator now since you support this prodigious WTS. lie.

    Do you mind if we call you Lying Debator ?

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