What do y'all do on your JW baptism anniversary?

by serenitynow! 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soldier77

    Sab you said:

    I'd say two years after I got baptised, sunddenly one day I realized that I didn't remember the date.... It was that day that I realized how important that day really was to me.

    I couldn't agree more with that statement. I realized at a young age (baptized mid teens) that after a couple years I couldn't even remember the date exactly, showed that I really didn't think it was all that important. But I do know my birthdate by heart, and I never even celebrated it!

  • brotherdan

    Hey Solider 77, we got baptized the same year! I was 12. It was 4/20/93

  • antes8080

    did you send yourself flowers SN?? i dont remeber my date either it was either may or june but the year no clue and am still in thats sad!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I wash my belly button.

    I wash my belly button......NN

    Belly Buttons are Old Fashioned..

    I got a Zipper..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • serenitynow!

    antes- no I never sent myself flowers on that date, lol.

    Brodan I didn't realize you were so young!

  • OnTheWayOut

    While I can recall the date, it doesn't really occur to me each year that it passes.

    I suggest donating blood then an evening out that ends with a drunken toast with clinking glasses, the toast including "Good luck" and "Happy Holidays" in it, along with buying a lottery ticket. If you are really wanting to be anti-JW, you can either walk into a church or have oral sex (or have oral sex in the church).

  • Finally-Free

    I was baptized on Feb. 18, 1984. The love bombing ended that very day. A few JWs "congratulated" me, but for the most part the shunning had begun. They had their statistic, and could now move on to other prospects. Within minutes of getting dunked I felt in my gut that I had made a mistake. For the next 20 years I spent the dreaded lunch breaks at assemblies searching in vain for someone who was willing talk to me for a full minute.

    I don't celebrate at all. The only appropriate celebration I can think of would end with me in jail. They're not worth it.


  • Magwitch

    SATANUS... They had me write down in one of their books, i think it was the 'lamp' book. But then, that book turned out to be bad, and we had to get rid of it

    Too Funny!

    My baptism was the spring of 1980. The only thing I remember about it is that I weighed 116 pounds and I wanted to weigh 114. I was worried that I looked fat in my swimsuit.

  • cantleave

    Never did anything. Usually ended up on a District Assembly day anyway.

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