My perception of posters

by Lady Lee 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Yes, please, dear Lady L (peace to you!)... please remove them. I just didn't want anyone accusing me of making things up - .

    PEACE to you!... and THANK YOU!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • tec

    Oh, Shelby. Thank you so much for that post!!!!

    I have been struggling with what I wanted to say to a friend about something she has done. Her first attempt (and very dear to her) is not, imo, great. But I have read her second attempt, which is mind-blowingly fantastic (and I have told her so). But if I was less encouraging or even critical of her first attempt, she is fragile enough that one 'professional' rejection might cause her to lose hope altogether... which would be such a waste, because judging by her second attempt, she is on her way to great things in a rewarding career.

    (I didn't see the pics of your daughter, but I'm so happy for her, and you, for being such an encouraging and supportive mom)


  • AGuest

    Thank you... and you are quite welcome, dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you!). That was another "thing" I just couldn't get into with the WTBTS: the negative discouragement of anything a family member might aspire to that didn't involve going to Bethel, pioneering, "reaching out [mainly for eldership]"... or getting married at 17 (so a young man's hormones didn't get him into "trouble" - and a young girl (and her parents) didn't have to worry about her being single... past age 21).

    I think one of the greatest gifts we can give those we love is our support, encouragement, and vote of confidence. Doesn't matter if they're not "talented" by the world's standards. The only thing they need to know is that they have value in YOUR eyes. The world/streets are mean enough... and there are plenty of "haters" in them both. Shouldn't be any at home, too. Praise JAH, I have a very loving family... and wonderful friends (like you! ) who support... and encourage ME... in all that I do. Including posting here.

    Again, peace to you!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • ziddina


    When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was going to be a 'rasslin', bare-knuckle-knock-down gossip fest...

    I wanted to hear the ratty things people might be saying about ME!

    I am SO disappointed...


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    And you expected MOI to do that?????

  • ziddina

    LOL, Lady Lee!!

    'Course, you do know I'm just funnin' ya, don'tcha?!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well we aaaaaalllll know that the way a thread starts isn't necessarily how it ends lol

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