KS10 Chapter Six Discussion

by yknot 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mythbuster

    Me too, I only got to chapter three. any chance of getting this another way?

  • yknot

    Okay I am at my thread posting limit for the 24 hour period......

    Here is my take on this.....

    Number One.... I actually still adore WTS legal.

    Number Two.... I leave for everyone one to consider two quotes from the WTS.

    *** w97 6/1 p. 6 Secrecy in the Name of the Lord ***
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are earnest students of the Bible who take their faith seriously and try openly to live accordingly. Worldwide, they are well-known as a religious group that ‘seeks peace and pursues it.’ (1 Peter 3:11) Their book Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom correctly notes: “Jehovah’s Witnesses are in no sense a secret society. Their Bible-based beliefs are fully explained in publications that are available to anyone.

    (except apparently a publication entitled 'Shepherding the Flock of God"............which begs the question why and if action taken by the WTS to suppress the 'bible-based' beliefs within those pages which fully explain the expectation and guidelines in which JWs are to live and be judged does this make them liars?)

    *** w97 6/1 p. 6 Secrecy in the Name of the Lord ***
    True religion in no way practices secretiveness. Worshipers of the true God have been instructed not to hide their identity or to obscure their purpose as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    To the 'boys' doing 'Mother's' bidding....... when your shift is over, register and PM me. While some might be feeling justified in the actions taken the last two days there is a small voice that reminds you of the rally cry that the 'truth' withstands any inspection and here 'Mother' has you hiding her instructions, suppressing any fair inspection and all those things that scream out in your heart and head 'why'! Get out from under her my brothers before you find yourself past 50 and put out to pasture as a SP with little social security or savings all because you became an insurance liability and Armageddon didn't come in your life time like it didn't come in any other Bible Student/JWs life time before you.

    Final note a word from Jehovah himself and I beg you to meditate on it deeply--for I might be angry at the current hardliner actions but I still love everyone of you:

    (Luke 12:2) . . .But there is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and secret that will not become known.

    (Mark 4:22) 22 For there is nothing hidden except for the purpose of being exposed; nothing has become carefully concealed but for the purpose of coming into the open.

  • bohm

    What i dont understand is why they bothered with a new book. I dont see any larger changes..

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    How interesting that they claim not to have a clergy class but will claim clergy privilege when it suits them.

    And I was suicidal and it didn't stop them from disfellowshipping me

  • maninthemiddle

    Anyone want to email it to me, I will repost it.

    Send me a PM

  • Nice_Dream

    PM sent

  • possible-san


    Thank you for sharing to us.

    Well, it seems that the WTS has been making those files delete each time.
    Within several hours after those materials are uploaded.

    That is, they/WTS are always monitoring this forum.

    Well, I reached a conclusion by this.
    In this forum, we have provided the PDF files of the Watchtower magazine once.
    These days, the reason they/WTS/GB began to provide PDF files on their website, in order that they distract people's attention from this forum.


  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    thanks ynot, got the first 5

    mitm thanks for chap 6

  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    question, would the links stay up longer if posted in the members only section?

  • donuthole

    Their canned legal response to attorneys regarding the clergy confidentially of the judicial hearing has already been tested in court and found to be false.

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