Do you still attend meetings?

by Sassenach 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Ooops Larc,
    Sorry I saw you addressed the gang up thing to my husband. I don't think he will feel that way either. He is happy that I have people to talk to who have "been there and done that".

  • larc

    Thinker's Wife,

    When we faded way, my cousins asked me about being inactive. I told them that I didn't want discuss my thoughts, because I didn't to stumble them. They left it alone, which bought me a few more years of being able to visit with them.

    You know, they taught us the art being tactful, i.e., be evasive and lie if you have to. Use that skill to your advantage.

  • thinker

    To ALL,

    Thank you very much for confirming my wife's feelings on this.
    Our discussion started when I visited a site recommended on this forum: ("Paul's Page") the guy who did 4 yrs research at the kingdom hall library and is selling a CD. His research showed me that the WTBTS changed, added, or omitted words from their own bible translations. My wife has always told me the NWT is the most accurate translation and was surprised to read this site.
    After all the frustration of seeing so many people mislead by the Society, I thought "At last, this is something that JW's would find to be the last straw."
    Obviously, I still have more to learn about the JW mindset.
    I guess I'll have to be content hoping and praying that more sheep find their way out of the wolf's den.

    Again, Thanks everyone. Peace reigns once again in our happy home!

  • happytobefree

    I have not been into a Kingdom Hall in over a year. And I must say, I have never experience such solitude and peace. I have been able to find time to build "true" solid relationships, beginning with my husband (a non-JW). I married my husband out of the so-call TRUTH. So even though I have always loved him, my love was limited by my thinking he was a less less priviliged because of his not being a JW.

    Well back to the topic (I will tell you all more about me later). The JW call there services by the right name - MEETINGS. Because basically you could compare them to any multi level marketing meeting being conducted around the world (Amwy, Mary Kay, Avon, etc.) They are basically sales meetings to keep the blind out in the field service (ministry) to get voluntary donations (just think if 6 million JW brought in just $20 a month that's . $120 million dollars and think about the special months when they push for auxilliary pioneers March, April and May)

    Well anyway, if you want to attend a meeting; at least attend one that can benefit you. College, Multi-Marketing Meeting, AA, craft class, there are many to keep you busy and TRULY SATISFIED AND HAPPY.

    Happy to be FREE (ME).

  • larc


    I'm glad we could help. You know, regarding that man's work you read, there was another theme in there. He showed many people in that congregation the results of his research and they just shrugged it off. They did not want to deal with the words from their own books in their own library. I think that aspect of his story also confirms what we were saying.

    I understand your frustration and desire to get them to see their own problems. As I said before, I have had that very same frustration with my own sister. Unfortunately. their's no chance for change until they are ready for change.

  • larc

    Welcome Happytobefree,

    I liked your comparison to a sales meetings. It was right on the money!

    Did you know that years ago they actualy had a sales chart right next to the platform? It showed all their numbers for the past year for all to see at every meeting.

  • amicus

    When I was young, I used to enjoy some of the Catholic masses. The Latin hymns and incense burning were almost intoxicating. At some point in time, at a fairly young age, I had learned enough about the religion to be disgusted by it. At that point I was never able to enjoy a mass again.
    Now, I have learned enough about the WTBTS to have lost all respect for it as well. I have no more desire to visit a Kingdom Hall that a Catholic Church.
    I do enjoy reading the New Testament/Christian Greek Scriptures. Give me a good readable translation surrounded by some Redwoods, ferns, and a babling brook. I'll leave all the man made "houses of worship" to those that can still enjoy them.

  • Prisca

    I agree, amicus, being surrounded by nature is a more spiritual experience than the grandest cathedral or the newest kingdom hall. Jehovah created the birds, the animals and the forests and waterways. How much closer to God can you get? A man-made building has never given me the impression of being sanctified by Him. How can it? Does it have some mystic glow? Do you feel a magical force enter you when you enter it? Dis you ever hear Jehovah declare it to be His?

    Yet when you are in a secluded place, with nothing but the sound of the wind passing by you, in the distance a bird calls, and you're gazing over a beautiful scene of nature, perhaps the ocean with a rolling surf, or a range of mountains covered in trees housing small fauna, or just lazing in your back lawn, examining a fern leaf ...

    Doesn't that tell you there is a God? Someone who cares enough to add beauty to His masterpiece, and not just functionality?

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome Happy to be Free,
    It truly is amazing how much more time you have to appreciate the things that are really important. Isn't it? Keep spending your time wisely. A family is a wonderful investment.
    I did the same (not discussing the real reasons) with my parents. My mother has said that is why I am where I'm at now. Because I wouldn't discuss my doubts. Not even with my father. I saw no point in it. I could have quoted the very scriptures they would have used. They really don't want to hear how you really feel. So why have a non-discussion?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Amicus, Prisca......I feel the same way about nature. Never have I felt closer to God than when I am out enjoying his creation or working with animals. They have a pure, simple joy in living, and they truly know how to give unconditional love. There is nothing better than hugging a horse when you're feeling blue....there is something inherently peaceful in them.

    Sometimes at night, I'll look out the window of my bedroom and see a coyote quietly crossing the pasture in the moonlight. Or I'll watch the horses playing there in the morning....galloping and bucking and play fighting....and I realize what a gift we have in being alive.

    Oddly enough, I never felt this joy and peace and sense of spiritual oneness while I was out knocking on doors, peddling magazines.

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