Did You Have a Favored Place to Sit in the KH?

by snowbird 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Did you sit to the right, left, or in front of the podium?

    Just curious.


  • miseryloveselders

    I prefer the back on the left hand side of the Hall. I'm such a hypocrite too as I've stated from the platform that The Friends should seat themselves closer to the podium and leave the back rows for latecomers, disabled, and those with young children. Meanwhile every meeting I sit in the left hand corner in the back. The best seat by far is out in the lobby when doing the attendant thing. Those chairs are like chairs you find in your grandma's house. Some nights getting off work I struggle keeping my eyes open sitting out there. Just when I get comfortable, here comes somebody wanting to talk about something, never fails. Some sister approaches me like, "Misery I believe my son is masturbating." I look back at her and go, "B##$ don't you see I'm trying to sleep?"

  • cantleave

    Once the kids came it was at the back. Before half way down the left hand side - the most inconspicuos place.

  • asilentone

    In the front of the KH, so I would not be distracted from others in the seating audience.

  • minimus

    I always sat at the back of the Hall, never in the middle so I could observe things.

  • brotherdan

    We sat in the back room (library) for every meeting. Less stress that way, with the kids.

    The only problem with sitting in the back room is the singing. No one wants to sing, because everyone can hear you. So everyone just sort of mumbles without really opening their mouths.

    I got busted a month or so ago when we were singing "We're Jehovah's Witnesses". My wife heard me singing, "You think you're Jehovah's Witnesses". Oops...

  • asilentone

    One time, I was seating at the back row, an elder suddenly asked me do you have a guilty conscience? He was a prick.

  • zoiks

    Near the back with the kids.

  • brotherdan

    asilenttone, you should have said, "No, do you?"

  • snowbird

    Misery, you're some bad!


    Thanks so much to the others who responded.

    I always sat to the left of the podium, midway.

    Older ones always sat to the right.

    One had narcolepsy - snored loudly and got on everyone's nerves.


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