im so mad ,angry , fuming , i want bethels phone number please !

by looloo 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseekeriam

    I can sympathize with you Looloo :( We seem to have very similar stories.

    For me... I can only imagine the talk that is going on behind our back! I'm at the point, I just don't care anymore. If they use me as an excuse to why their relationship with the kids is almost nonexistent, then that's fine as long as it keeps them away from making them feel less then or bad for how we choose to live our life. We keep our visits to a min these days and it's working for us.

    I wish you well.

  • brotherdan
    Very true brother dan. but they sincerely think they are doing the right thing.

    I've said the same thing.

    But there is SOME dishonest gain (like spoken of in Titus 1:11) that they are getting.

    They are receiving the power from millions

    They are recieving the respect of millions

    They are recieving the honor of millions

    and they are receiving the glory of millions

    Do you know WHO this belongs to? The ONLY one? See Rev 4:11. It belongs to our God and Father! Whether they THINK they are right or not, they are far more deserving of punishment than even the most vile creature that ever existed. They claim to speak for GOD HIMSELF! But they represent the liar...Satan.

    Even Hitler didn't claim such a high authority.

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK


    NW7 1RN LONDON , LONDON Phone: 020 89062211
    Fax: 020 89063938
    GEO: 51.617685 , -0.224648
    Homepage: watchtower .org

  • looloo

    thanks for your comments all , i know what to do now and their son is writing them a letter to put them straight , it annoyed him that his mum said "perhaps you dont know her as well as you think you do !" about me , i think she wants to cause problems for us , but fortunatly he has witnessed me saying they were always welcome ! so he knows i never said it ! she even said i gave the reason that they were jehovahs witnesses and that was why it was best if they never saw our child anymore ! i have always been nice to jws on purpose so they can not play the "oh poor me im being persecuted because ihave the truth" card ! now they really have blown it and will miss out on a lovely little girl and will go to the grave never seeing armageddon !

  • RosePetal

    LooLoo I am sorry you are so upset, don't let them take away your peace, you have your little family you are together, don't let them take your happiness away from you. Put all your energy hopes and dreams to your family. Let everyone see that you are happy being angry you will only hurt yourself. Don't let the org. split your family, let the grandparents see that you are happy, and continue to let them know that you want them to see their grandchild, your daughter could write a card to them telling them she would love to see them.

    Turn the situation around. I will be praying for you and your family, you can pm me or phone me any time.

    RosePetal xxxxxxx

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    It is not wrong for Grandparents to see their granchildren even though their son / daughter is DF'd. Dig around long enough on the WTL and I'm sure you will find something, a mag(whatever) to back that up.(if your M-I-L cared that much, she would have done this).

    To be hoest, calling Bethel? Well, I guess you could ask them your question re. "the rules on seeing granchildren etc". Other than that, sorry but it won't accomplish that much(esp in London).

    Personally, I would do the groundwork and then confront the MIL face to face, the Bro at Bethel may quote scripture and ask you to do this (I know this will be tough), she will be shocked to hell, especially when you have WT refs. You may even be able to say "I called Bethel and....".

    Whatever you do, don't let anyone convince you that you are to blame, this is not down to you. Obviously, I cant give any info, but I have a feeling that I may know the "ex min servant that was sent to prison for abusing kids" - bastard! (please excuse my french). Actually, I got hold of his mobile number and tried to call him to tell him (well, words can't describe) but is was dead. Hope I never see the guy, wouldn't be pretty !!!!!


    Hello Pagan Apostate,Hater of Jehovah,Lady!..

    No..We don`t care what you think..

    Could you write us a letter..

    So we can place it in the appropriate Garbage Can..

    Thank-you for calling Bethel..


    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Sorry but I don't understand WHY you need to call Bethel about this ????

    Why don't you just call your Mother In Law (or better yet have your husband call her ) and tell her, her other son told you she didn't feel welcome in your home . Then explain she is free to come to your home to see the grand children and that in the future if she wishes to give them gifts or money it is more appropriate for her to do it in person .

    Be an adult about this give her the benefit of the doubt . Maybe she does feel since you left that she is not welcome . Would it really hurt anything to just call and clear upo the mis-understanding ?

    I get it . Your family went through some horrible crap ,and your child should never have been treated and abused as she was . However now the man is put away and you have a fresh start . Be a good example , don't let the foolishness of the MIL bring you down to her level .Rise above it be the better person and extend the 'olive' branch .

    My humble opinion .....I don't live in your shoes ......but sometimes we need to see through someone else's eyes .

  • brotherdan

    Listen to troubled mind. Calling Bethel will do nothing. You will talk to a low level nobody. They will transfer you nowhere. If they do, that person will tune you out until you are done talking and then tell you to talk to your elders.

    They also may try to find out who you are and where you live. Remember, they are not looking out for your best interests. Their interests are...well, their interests.

    The best thing to do is to let it drop and be ok in warning others about the dangers of this cult. That will do far more good than talking to people who view you as the enemy anyway.

  • free2beme

    Best advice, get over it and move on

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