How do I cut off pioneering?

by bottleofwater 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    Do what a lot of very normal young people do whether or not they're in a strict religion:

    Keep your plans from your parents for as long as you can and start planning and taking steps towards greater independence.

    Please don't make the mistake many of young people make: Complain bitterly about the rules at home but cling to their bedrooms and procrastinate on making themselves more independent. Take at least one step a day to do something for yourself instead of waiting on Mom or Dad .

  • moshe

    They say the miltary will help pay for college, it's called the Montgomery GI Bill, MGIB for short. You get almost $1400/mo for tuition and expenses for 3 years of college- I am thinking her unit has a waiting list, too. I wish I had known about Clark AFB (now closed), when I was 19, I would have enlisted immediately for that duty station.

  • bottleofwater

    The military is the last thing I'll do. Just a personal idea. Not even because the FDS teaches so, but because I'm just not the type of person for that.

  • RubaDub

    The auxiliary pioneering thing is now down to 50 hours / month. I did that for about a year and a half, a "regular" auxiliary pioneer. Like 12 hours a week.

    If you can be creative and make a stop or two on your way to school and a stop or two on the way home, you can get most of the time by just doing what you already are doing.

    Just be creative and periodically give a comment about a nice person you offered the magazine to.

    Rub a Dub

  • moshe
    FDS teaches so

    Kid their is no F&DS.

    I figured you weren't up to joining the military, but it would be a sure way to grow up and cut your mommie's apron string.

    Now go back to being in subjection to your parents.

  • sherah
    1. Student loan. 2. Move out. 3. Part-time job. 3. Get living. 4. No regrets.

    This right here! Also, getting a roomate will help keep costs down will maintaining independence from the parents.

  • lisaBObeesa

    How about you tell mom and dad you are stopping pioneering, get a job, and put yourself through school...? They wouldn't kick you out for not pioneering, would they?

    Being able to stay home for a few years can really, really help you. If you must move out, then do what you have to do. I had to, and I moved out at 18. It was very difficult, but I survived. BUT, If I could have stayed a few years getting some school done and saving some money it sure would have helped. A LOT.

  • bottleofwater

    Who could I move in with? My uncle will only let me stay with him this week that I'm here.

  • wannabefree

    Not everyone can pioneer. Not even everyone who has the circumstances to pioneer can or should (well of course nobody should).

    The organization puts the blame on the publisher, put some guilt on your Dad.

    I knew a man who was pioneering, he retired young from the military, became a witness and started pioneering in his 50's, he had the right circumstances, others encouraged him to do it, he lost his joy in the ministry. The C.O. told him pioneering wasn't for everyone and it wasn't worth him losing his joy.

    ... or, cut the strings, move out, working for your education may help you to appreciate it more

  • WTWizard

    The best way is to tell him that, now that he hounded you excessively to pio-sneer, you would not be doing it with proper motive. The more they push pio-sneering, the more likely you are doing it to please man, and it would not count. If you can't manage that, just do a few hours of dummy service and turn in a fake time slip. If they can put 7.3 million on their reports, you can put 70 hours on your own report even if you do 4 or 5 hours of dummy service.

    I am assuming you need college, because most people are not famous actors or musicians and you want to use it to get out on your own. However, this sounds like your father is trying to keep you from getting out on your own. You will complete college only to have to move back in, and then you will have to remain under his rules. And, with president Osama Obama doing all he can to ruin the economy, finding decent paying jobs is very difficult (and making your own requires more time digging through regulations that are arbitrary than researching the business itself). Which creates the need for dependency on the government--exactly the opposite of what you need. You get a student loan, you worry about finding a job to pay it back with Osama Obama ruining the economy. Grants are not easy to come by, and other assistance is not as plentiful as it once was.

    Of course, you could always get yourself disfellowshipped altogether. Just claim you were researching a call in the Bible that wanted to know how, using the Bible and just the Bible, did they come up with the latest "a generation" information. Then, explain to the householder that you found that "a generation" referred to those who were physically alive while Jesus said those words, and that it was fulfilled in 70 AD. Mention that to the hounders, and you will be disfellowshipped for apostasy. And, since you didn't get this from college but from the householder request, they can't blame college for it.

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