The Insanity of Arguing on the Internet!

by cognizant dissident 36 Replies latest social humour

  • caliber

    it's fairly pointless...

    Even if the main combatants quite often lose their objectivity ... there can be great points for observers


    "Well you might be a cunning linguist, but I'm a master debater."

    Austin Powers
  • Soldier77

    LOL @ miseryloveselders! I used that Special Olympics one today. I love it!


    Many of the things that we as humans do are irrational. Insanity is different, because we are 'aware' that what we do is irrational but enjoy the activity and so continue.

    For us to enjoy something, it does not have to have a purpose. If we find something gratifying, we can become addicted. Many of our hidden emotions are played out through irrational activities. Driving too fast, killing spiders, dreaming, religious belief, and arguing on an Internet forum, to name but a few.


    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Mrs Jones: Your comic has such an element of truth in it for me. I do find myself much more likely to get in an argument on the internet when I'm feeling lonely and needing a hug. It's like negative attention is better than no attention at all.

    I never even chatted or talked to anyone on the internet for ten years after I first got it, until I knew my marriage was over (hubby wouldn't interact with me) and my son was starting to make his own life. Before that, I was too busy living my life, being a wife and a mom, socializing with my JW friends, etc.

    Here's my offering for the day. Keep em coming people.

    ps: OTWO, yours was hilarious, haven't seen that one before!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    OMG Outlaw, I just watched your cartoon long enough to see the ending! People you have to watch it for more than a few seconds, it is so funny!

    Cheezits, I agree with you about sharpening our critical thinking skills and debating skills. I've done plenty of that on this site and learned a lot and had fun doing it. As long as we know we are gettting something useful from it and its fun, no harm done.

    You all know the threads though, that dissolve into pointless name calling and insults. No viewpoints are changed. You all know the feeling of getting angry and emotional and needing to prove yourselves right, for your own ego. I think it is when we are getting our emotions triggered and are attached to changing someone else's viewpoint then it is time for us to step away from the keyboard! It shouldn't be THAT personal for us. Because it is a very impersonal medium.

  • Markfromcali

    Just posted a video in the TV thread that could have gone here too. I don't see a way to link particular posts but if anyone's interested..

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    What many fail to realize, is you do not enter into a "debate" "argument" or "discussion" on this board, or any board for that matter, to "win".

    You enter the "discussion" to make your points.

    I don't give a damn whether you agree with me or not.

    I have been thru too much and I'm too old to be wrong!


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    So, JD, you are saying that we are all here to pontificate pointlessly? I think that's an oxymoron.

    ps: Your ring must have got lost in the mail.

  • Markfromcali

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