Do you think the Governing Body is having internal conflicts?

by stuckinamovement 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    And another question. Is Writing Department bigwig Karl Adams related to Corporation President Don Adams?

  • compound complex
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Karl Adams was my school conductor for a couple of years while I was at Bethel, in the Brooklyn Heights congregation.

    He came alive onstage, but offstage always seemed sad and resigned. This fascinated me at the time.

    One time I took an opportunity to sit next to him at lunch. I said, "So are you working on anything cool in the Writing Department?" To which he gave me a gentle but firm tongue lashing about how they never talk about anything before it is published. We basically sat in silence for the rest of the lunch.

    That was the end of me trying to get to know Karl Adams.

    Another memory of him was one time when Albert Schroeder (GB Member) gave the Instruction Talk at the Ministry School (yes it WAS a trip to be on the same school as GB members). He went off on the NWT and the NWT committee and how GREAT it was for about 30 minutes! He was so badly overtime and clueless that he was even overtime. It was noticed and you could tell everyone in the audience was uncomfortable about how Karl Adams was gonna deal with this blatant misuse of time in the Ministry School by a GB member.

    Karl Adams just got up and pretended like nothing happened. Like nothing was wrong.

    Typical reaction by the WT I guess ....


  • AllTimeJeff

    Karl Adams was Joel and Don's brother. Don is semi retired, and if memory serves, the first "non annointed" president of the WTBTS once the GB let minor leaguers run the legal stuff. Joel was head of the Service Dept when I was at Gilead.

    It was very telling to me when David Splane and Sam Herd both lectured the Gilead class I was in and said that the GB 'were made up of different men, with different personalities, but we all respect one another.'

    That was just plain weird to hear.

    It is my belief that the GB is like any other body of elders, just the stakes are higher. The strongest personalities and the most eloquent, persuasive arguments win. Cliques are everywhere, and it reaks of politics.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Btw, Mildred Barr died some years ago. Jack Barr is as universally loved (if not respected) as a GB member can be. He misses Mildred VERY much. In 2005, he was still going relatively strong. I wouldn't know how he is doing these days, but he is still alive.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Oh, a Don Adams memory. After our class graduated in Sept of 2005, we were invited with some friends to Don Adams room at Patterson. We broke out some Scotch. Some good stuff.

    Don poured us all a shot, looked at it and said "Well, I guess this is designed to get you drunk." After which, it was a quick bottoms up. I laughed. It was hillarious. He was in his 80's at the time.....

  • believingxjw

    These men are just men with all the good and bad found in all men.

  • Gayle

    I was only a housekeeper in 1970 for 8th floor 124 building.. therefore cleaned there 4 bed/rooms (1 room, Ciro Aulicino (who later had U.N. controversy connections, and 1 room Charles Fekel, Governing Body appointment in '71) , plus Bethel Library and (6, I think writing offices, Dan Sydlik, Harry Peloyan, Karl Klein, Ciro Aulicino, and Ann Glass, but I don't know more than that she was merely a typist there some times.

    ). One office was Karl Adams (he was one of 3 Adams brothers, Don and Joel also). Karl just about daily had migraine headaches, had a constant paine look about him. Karl, Don and Joel were all non-partakers. I still think they were only sincere believers, devoted JWs.

  • mentallyfree31

    Their internal conflicts make me smile really big. And breathe a sigh of relief that I don't have to worry about any of their bullsh** anymore.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's all speculation, anyway.

    Unless there's another Barbara Anderson-type person to come along and say, this is what's happening, we don't really know.

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