WT Society's Sly Guilt & Fear Tactics on Young People in Nov.15th WT

by flipper 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    As many on this board are aware- the WT society is losing younger members in big numbers. Statistics show that 2 out of 3 JW's raised in the cult leave between the age of 18 to 35. So like they always do- if the WT society sees a " need " or " problem " arising they address it in WT study articles. Thus notice how manipulative the WT society uses fear, guilt, and put down type comments to intimidate young Jehovah's Witnesses in this WT study article in Nov. 15th issue.

    Under the titled article " Young Ones - What Will You Do With Your Life ? " notice how the WT society immediately raises doubts in young JW's minds about what they experience in the real world. On pg. 12 . paragraph 4 it states, " If you do not set goals for yourself, your PEERS and TEACHERS are likely to influence you to do what they feel is right for you. When listening to their suggestions, ask yourself , ' Would the goals they mention help me to remember my Creator while I am young or would they distract me from doing so ? ' It continues, " A fundamental goal that you can set is to prove to yourself that what is said in the Bible is true. Your peers may believe in evolution or in various false religious doctrines because others have told them that this is what they should believe. However, you can RISE above such thinking when it comes to your own beliefs. " Translation : " Evolutionist's and false religion's views are wrong - ours are not. "

    Then- trying to influence witness young people to get baptized notice the guilt and fear tactics used in these statements in paragraph 14, " Some may hesitate to get baptized out of fear that they may be disfellowshipped at a later time. Do you have this fear ? If so, such fear IS NOT NECESSARILY UNHEALTHY IN ITSELF . Might there be another reason ? Maybe you are NOT convinced that living by God's standards is the best way of life . In that case, thinking about the consequences that come to those who ignore Bible standards can can HELP you to make up your mind. ( Translation : Being destroyed at Armageddon is a good motivator to get baptized ) " It continues , " On the other hand, it could be that you love God's standards but DO NOT TRUST YOURSELF to be able to live up to them. Actually, THAT CAN BE A GOOD SIGN, for it shows humility on your part. After all, the Bible says that ALL impefect human hearts are treacherous. " ( translation : Feel guilty, feel very guilty - show humility, don't trust yourself - you are a treacherous guilt laden sinner. ) It continues , " Whatever reasons there are for your hesitation to get baptized , you NEED to RESOLVE such issues and concerns. " Uh-huh.

    Notice how the WT society uses mind control to change something which should be viewed as negative- into a positive. Saying that FEAR is not necessarily unhealthy in itself . AND - that NOT TRUSTING YOURSELF is A GOOD SIGN ? WOW ! If that's not an attempt at manipulating young people's minds - I don't know what is. Kick the young people , make them feel small & wrong and the WT society will bleed all the spirit and individuality out of these young ones. Creation of WT drones is how I see it.

    So as always- I'd like to hear your thoughts, comments, and expressions on this latest WT society attempt to snag and reel in their young people in order to indoctrinate them ! It annoys the hell out of me to see young people's lives being manipulated and wasted. Look forward to hearing from you. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • VampireDCLXV

    Yep. It's utterly disgusting! They steal people's lives and make THEM feel guilt over it. Nothing is EVER good enough for those pricks in Brooklyn Crooklyn. Grrr!



    Hey Flipper!..

    The WBT$ is an Organization based on Fear..

    Run by Bullys..

    Praying on Children is just one more Cowardly Act..

    Condoned by the Bethel Bullys..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • elm

    I would just call it child abuse. No different to a pedophile grooming, same tactics used.

    Start by being nice showing concern, then getting the "youngs ones" to do what they want out of fear. Its all about control and the GB's needs not the "young ones"

  • confuzzled777

    I have a 16 yr old dd and a 13 yr old ds. My DH and I are encouraging both of our kids to continue their education. I firmly believe that they need this in order to be able to take care of themselves and their families as adults. I was taken out of school at 16 because of "bad association". So, I am even more determined for my kids to further their education through college.

    My DD went to her sophomore homecoming dance last year and also to her junior homecoming dance this year. She also attended the other high school in our district's homecoming football game and dance this last weekend. She attended, of course, with non witness friends. They all came over to our house to get ready and came back to our house for a bit to sit by the fire and chat.

    I missed out on a lot and feel that as long as we teach our children to make good choices, they will turn out good kids. They respect us for that and we in turn have respect for them.

    We have also not put any pressure on our DD to get baptized either. That is a decision that is life long and needs a bit of maturity to make. I am not sure kids have it in them at such a young age to make such a life long commitment.

    Just my 2 cents.......

  • VM44

    Your peers may believe in evolution or in various false religious doctrines because others have told them that this is what they should believe. However, you can RISE above such thinking when it comes to your own beliefs. "

    These sentences are an INSULT to one's intelligence!

    The JWs believe what they are TOLD TO BELIEVE by The Watchtower!!!

  • sabastious
  • watersprout

    *shudders* That article took me back to being a witness!


  • bobld

    9 and 10 year old get baptized, at 16 DF, kicked out of house.Those GB are worse than Nazis.These kids can live by high standards but get the boot when they say anything about the evil cult.


  • WingCommander

    This is like a word-for-word article based on talks I had heard throughout my life growing up as a JW, both at the local and convention levels.

    Talk about a mind-f*ck, how are these people supposed to support themselves, and who is going to take care of them - the Governing Body? Ha!! They don't even look after the people they had directly under their wing up at Bethel!!!

    What's that saying I once heard about militant dictatorships? Oh, that the first thing they do when they seize control is to imprison or kill the intellectuals, and then to take over the education system. This is because the intellectuals are the greatest threat to their power structure, and by taking over the education system they can then spoon-feed propoganda to the youngest subjects under them. Sound familiar??? The Governing Body could easily be the top leaders of the Nazi or Mao Regimes, with the Writing Department being the propoganda machine.

    Also, I notice how this article pushes baptism at a young age as an important decision, but yet fails to mention why such other important decesions such as DATING, voting, drinking, sex, extra-cirrucular activities or damn near anything else a teenager would like to do is considered FORBIDDEN, all under the guise of being in the "bloom of youth". So you're old enough to make a life-long spiritual and financial committment to an ORGANIZTION (remember the WT baptismal vows) but you're not good enough to make other life choices for yourself??? F*CK YOU WT!!!!

    I only wish I could have put 2 +2 together and told my parents or Elders that while being pressured from the ages of 10-16!!! I would have loved to have thrown that back at them, but instead I just deflected it as much as I could. I never did get baptized into the "Society" because of this ever-increasing feeling, a sense really, of something just not being right with this religion and also the fact that you could never do enough, be enough, etc and also that you could be DF'd and shunned. To hell with that, I much rather would be looked at as an inactive, unbaptised publisher then a DF'd leper.

    Education: I was forbidden from it, even though I had straight A's and graduated from high school in the top 5% of my class. I took my SAT's and such, but could never get to the guidance counsel to even talk about it. It was forbidden at home. This is just sick. I'm glad I finally did get to college though, albeit on my own. The WT would rob you of your youth, education, career, time, money, and family. What exactly do they give back??? NOTHING.

    - Wing Commander

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