An Overlooked Detail of Armageddon

by cameo-d 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    debator: we see frogs and the like coming out of the beast mouth etc.

    Don't you remember the story about the little girl that everytime she told a lie frogs fell out of her mouth?

    This is symbolic. The beast is promising things....but these promises turn out to be deceptive lies through the use of artful wording and double meanings of words and twisted phrases. Sometimes a concept is put forth and after it has served it's purpose to cause people to "assume", the concept may be later changed without notice.

    Let me give you an example. In the social security act of 1935 the term "social insurance" is used. Do you really think it's an insurance plan? Better dig a little deeper.

  • debator

    Hi cameo-d

    Thats my point it is strongly symbolic language and things and places are used symbolically including Armageddon/megiddo.

  • cameo-d

    As far as the sophisticated "magi" of our day---think HAARP, BlueBeam.....and what the heck was the Norway Spiral all about?

    Are sky shows and natural disasters being orchestrated? Is this why religions, like Watchtower and others, have promoted disaster and destructions being a physical, environmental Armageddon?

    Is this how one way that evil men intend to depopulate the earth while deceiving the gullable that it is Jah killing off the pagans? It would seem to be so when you hear people like Pat Robertson saying so. And we know those evangelists have a lot of followers. Many, many of politicians (think DOJ) graduated from Pat Robertson's Law School. What is the rhyme and reason behind that? How "credible" would you expect such a school to be? How much faith would you have in a system where our judicial officials are either secret society or Robertson groupies?

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