An Overlooked Detail of Armageddon

by cameo-d 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Are you suggesting the Bible was written in Ancient Italian?..LOL!!!!!..


    Italian is the primary language of Vatican City. It is the closest national language to Latin. You will find some interesting word changes and meanings if you cross reference scriptures in the Italian version of bible. I will see if I can link a reference.

    In the meantime, you may want to check out the Piso family.


    "The New Testament, the Church, and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it - Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, and John the Baptist - are all fictional."


    Abelard Reuchlin

    from The True Authorship of the New Testament



    The Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek..

    Leolaia has an education in those ancient languages..

    I Googled this for you..

    The first human author to write down the biblical record was Moses. He was commanded by God to take on this task, for Exodus 34:27 records God's words to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel." And what language did he use? He wrote in his native language, called Hebrew.

    Hebrew is one of a group of languages known as the Semitic languages which were spoken throughout that part of the world, then called Mesopotamia, located today mainly in Iraq. Their alphabet consisted of 22 letters, all consonants. (Imagine having an alphabet with no vowels! Much later they did add vowels.)

    Almost the entire Old Testament was written in Hebrew during the thousand years of its composition. But a few chapters in the prophecies of Ezra and Daniel and one verse in Jeremiah were written in a language called Aramaic. This language became very popular in the ancient world and actually displaced many other languages. Aramaic even became the common language spoken in Israel in Jesus' time, and it was likely the language He spoke day by day. Some Aramaic words were even used by the Gospel writers in the New Testament.

    The New Testament, however, was written in Greek. This seems strange, since you might think it would be either Hebrew or Aramaic. However, Greek was the language of scholarship during the years of the composition of the New Testament from 50 to 100 AD. The fact is that many Jews could not even read Hebrew anymore, and this disturbed the Jewish leaders a lot! So, around 300 BC a translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek was undertaken, and it was completed around 200 BC. Gradually this Greek translation of the Old Testament, called the Septuagint, was widely accepted and was even used in many synagogues. It also became a wonderful missionary tool for the early Christians, for now the Greeks could read God's Word in their own tongue.

    So the New Testament authors wrote in Greek. They did not, however, use really high-class or classical Greek, but a very common and everyday type of Greek. For many years some scholars ridiculed the Greek of the New Testament because many of its words were strange to those who read the writings of the great Greek classical authors such as Plato and Aristotle. But later many records were uncovered of ordinary people, and amazingly there were the same common terms used in everyday speech! The ridicule dried up accordingly.

    The earliest copies of parts of the Hebrew Old Testament were discovered in 1947. They are part of the famous Dead Sea Scrolls and actually date back to the first century BC. Even though they are at least 900 years older than any parts of the Bible we had before this, they are not the originals. They are copies. The originals have all been lost or destroyed. But we are not at all doubtful that we may not have the original text. Copying by scribes was done with great care in those days and because the text was regarded as sacred, the copyists were extremely painstaking. Today some 5000 hand-copied documents exist of all or part of the Bible, and they agree in 98% of the text! No other ancient writing has this amount of underlying support with such amazing agreement as to the text.

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • cameo-d

    Forget everything you may have learned in Sunday School. The New Testament was written by Roman patricians, among them The Calpurnius Piso family that was descended from one of the generals in the army of Alexander the Great. The family included such famous people as Cleopatra, the Ptolemys, Pythagoras, Flavius Josephus, and the Roman Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasiani.

    The great temple at Jerusalem was built by Herod the Great, and utterly destroyed in 70 CE by Titus Flavius Vespasiani. Of course nobody knew it was the year 70 in 70. That date had to be invented by somebody. The Christian calendar set the date at 70, and you will see that it is probable that the Pisos (operating as Church Fathers) created the Christian calendar. Apparently the Pisos were obsessed with Julius Caesar, evidence of which you will see repeatedly in the following text.

    It is certain that the Roman emperor Vespasian captured the city of Jerusalem for Rome in 66 CE (Common Era), and the Roman emperor Titus Flavius Vespasiani (the son of Vespasian), destroyed the temple there in 70 CE. In fact, both Zela (religious center of Pontus) and Jerusalem were the sites of temples that were destroyed: Julius Caesar destroyed the one in Zela in 47 BCE. The Piso family were aristocrats whose ancestry traced from Zela.

    Julius Caesar was an in-law of the Piso family. His wife, Calpurnia, was a Piso. He had married her to cement an alliance with Pontus. When Cleopatra, also a Piso relative, seduced Caesar, it is possible that she was conspiring with her relative Pharnaces II, king of Pontus, to distract Caesar while Pharnaces prepared to wage war against Rome.



    Leo can read all the Old Hebrew stuff..

    Whether someone translated it wrong makes no difference to her..

    She can translate it right..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • cameo-d

    Outlaw, You are comparing apples to oranges.

    This is dealing with the New Testament.

    Armageddon is only mentioned in the New Testament. And through speculation and conjecture, religious con men have tried to tie it into ancient OT history in order to give it some kind of meaning or definition. Fact still remains an UNEXPLAINED word.



    The Bible has been screwed with big time..

    It still makes no difference,to the origin of the word Armageddon..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • Leolaia
    It's another speculation that is just as good as Megiddo, imo.

    No it's not. Megiddo is a real place name in Hebrew that makes contextual sense and Magedón is a genuine transliteration of this name in Greek:

    That doesn't "prove" the identification, but it is clearly untrue to say that the identification is based on pure speculation, without a factual basis. Μαγεδωνis how Megiddo is sometimes (tho not always) rendered in the Greek Septuagint.

    And are you saying that the Mafia Boss is not called a "Don"?

    It ain't Hebrew and it ain't relevant. It doesn't even have the right vowel. It's fun to compare similar words in other languages to foreign names (like the Anglo-Israelists who erroneously derived "British" from Hebrew b e rit and ish), but such wordplay has nothing to do with the actual etymological derivation of names.

  • PSacramento

    I'm confused here, is Cameo suggesting that the NT was written first in 1st century italian, then translated and written into Greek?

  • Leolaia
    Are you suggesting the Bible was written in Ancient Italian?..LOL!!!!!.. YES

    Alright, I'm done with this thread....If we can't even agree that Greek was the language of the NT, then there isn't really much more I can say.

    BTW, Italian is not ancient Latin. The modern Italian word don derives from Latin dominus; whatever sound similarity with Armageddon that led you to that word arises from the sound change that occurred centuries later. But who knows! Maybe Italian don really comes from English dawn or Omaha don "sun" or Japanese don "bowl" or Sanskrit dána "liquid flowing from the temples of the elephant for the rutting" or Sanskrit dan "tooth" or Ossetian don "river" or Old Irish don "place" or Middle Irish donn "dark" or Tamil don "big club" or Georgian don "flat, level" or Old English dón "done" or Old High German donar "thunder" or Old High German donén "vast" or Middle High German don "relaxed" or Korean don "money", etc. etc.

  • wobble

    Is Cameo really Dan Brown ?

    This thread is good though, that was another thing that used to give me Cog Dis. that the scripture clearly said the "place that is called" and the WT always spoke of a situation.

    I could not understand that either, how could the military might of the nations range itself against an invisible heavenly force,

    that they did not believe in ?

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