The Annointed - how do they know?

by Listener 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    Kosonen what you have written is very cryptic.

    I note this about your following comment on the annointed -

    They are the prime target of Satan. He does everything possible to prevent them become worthy of the kingdom.

    That many of those annointed have comfortably ensured their safety in the protection of their own earthly created Bethel. Here they can live out their lives in their own fortress away from the many influences of the world.

  • notverylikely

    They aren't. There is no such thing as annointed at the WTBS describes it. The bible clearly says there is one mediator for men, one faith. The WT loves to parse Jesus as the mediator for mankind, just not all men. It's gramatical trickery at it's sleaziest. Since their concept is not scripturally sound, the phrase "annointed" means nothing.

    They had to change the "calling has ceased" idea because all the GB that were old enough to claim annointing by that date were needing to be replaced due to old age. It's all bullshit.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The heavens open up at the time of their baptism, and they see a white dove flying over their heads. No one else can see it other than the anointed in the crowd.

  • bigmac

    i only ever knew 3 of the annointed, this was back in the late 1960's, in birmingham ( england UK )

    2 of them were elderly, must now be long dead

    the 3rd, well he was an idle workshy slob who occasionally pitched up at meetings

    he had lots of young kids

    one memorial night he shocked the cong, apart from turning up--he partook of the embems

    for some time afterwards he was adamant he felt he was of the annonted

    one wag said

    " he may be going to heaven, but he sure left a great crowd on earth"

  • jookbeard

    they dont know , it's all bullshit and and adds to their stupid blown up ego.

    I partook of the emblems this year as most here know(never again) but in the row I was sitting in a skinny looking sister in her late 20's partook as well!

  • StoneWall

    As keyser soze touched on above, when jesus got baptised and the holy spirit came down as a dove.(a visual sign/seal)

    Also on the day of pentecost(Acts 2:1-4) the ones heard something like a stiff breeze and had tongues as of fire above their heads when the holy spirit came to reside with them.

    But supposedly now in our modern day and age where we could document and film this supernatural phenomenon of the spirit in action on people, it no longer has these outer signs. Now we are suppose to accept the scripture where it says their spirit bears witness with the holy spirit that they have been adopted as sons of God. (Romans 8:16)

    What a coincidence that it no longer shows outward visible signs,(now that the whole world could see at once on the internet or world news) yet it "evidently" still operates in/on some according to them.

  • cameo-d

    The "annointed" do not exist among the Jehovahs Witnesses nor among any other religious group.

    The "144K" are "VIRGINS" because they have never bowed to the dictates of man. They have not sworn allegiance to any power--- political or ecclesiastical---that is what makes them "virgins".

  • Lozhasleft

    Listener - this thread might answer some of your questions.

    Loz x

  • Kosonen

    Hi again Listener,

    As you said it seems the anointed have it nice in the Bethel. But it won't last for ever. There will be a great tribulation upon all the inhabited earth to put to the test every one. It is even said that the beast will conquer the "holy ones". According to the prophecies it seems to be that the great tribulation will resemble world wide Nazi-Germany for predicted 3 and half years.

  • ProdigalSon

    Even if the Bible could be interpreted literally, according to the book of Revelation, no one is chosen until after the opening of the sixth seal. Last time I looked, the heavens hadn't departed like a scroll rolling up and the mountains and the islands were still in their places. Aside from that, these people are chosen because they were beheaded for being Christians. Organizational ego filters down and deludes the dubbies. Somebody should do a skit on Comedy Central about these idiots who think that only a few thousand members of a stupid cult are the only people going to heaven to rule over the earth.

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