Do you think your leaving makes it easier for others to leave, too?

by dgp 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dgp

    I am not trying to minimize the pain and difficulties of leaving the Scam (being fortunate never to have belonged to it, in the first place), but I would like to ask people a question. Have you thought that, if you leave, your friends and family have someone out there who really understands them and could be there for you?

    On the one hand, your family and friends will shun you, that's for sure. On the other hand, you can also prepare the way for them to eventually leave. Much as what an immigrant does. The mother or father leaves first, gets a job in the country of destination, and works his/her ass very hard to get the eldest son/daughter to go to that country, so they can work together and get the rest out.

    Do you guys see any possibility of a witness leaving, so that others can follow, too?

    Thank you for your posts.

  • leavingwt

    In my own case, it actually did. I didn't know it, but my younger brother was "done" with the WT stuff and had totally lost interest, years before I left. Eighteen months after I DA'd myself, he was ready to exit and he reached out to me. I was able to assist him.

  • little witch
    little witch

    I very much do. Perhaps because that has been my path, and I want it to count for something. Yes, I think it is trailblazing to leave and let the others follow out with some support and an example...


  • yknot

    All depends on what impression you leave when leaving....

    Right now I am working on deeply entrenching myself to (A) dispel concern about me (B) be able to win more trust of others to validate their issues (c) it not be a 'big deal' when I leave to those I care about (if I don't get them out too) but at the same time for them to think about why I left and what it means in the larger scheme of things.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Sweetcheezits has a thread going right now, we were just discussing this, jump on over and have a look around? We are discussing such, it is a good thread.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I am not being shunned, but my wife and mother would have had no intentions of even considering leaving.
    While that hasn't really changed, they know there's another way to look at silly changes as silly now.

    There is hope.

  • little witch
    little witch


    I think the biggest hold the tower has is family...what a tough nut to crack....We love and bond as family....May You be blessed with strength and lead with a torch.


  • Ding

    Isn't it sad that this "Christianity" forces so many people to profess what they no longer believe in order to keep their families intact?

  • little witch
    little witch

    Indeed My Dear Ding, Indeed...sad and sadistic.

  • Gregor

    When it comes to influencing others there is a real difference between "leaving" and being kicked out. These days, the way a DF'ing is announced leaves it open for speculation that you might be anything from an apostate to an armed robber.

    The ideal 'leaving' (wish I'd done it this way) is to write a concise DA letter packed full of vitamins and minerals. Send it to the the elders and also to every member of the congregation who you feel might read it.

    This could be of great influence on some.

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