I'v got to tell something this!

by voltaire 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • voltaire

    Again thank you for the comments, I appreciate being able to talk with all of you about these difficult issues. That's really been the hard part about all of this, my conversations with my wife degenerated into constant arguments (not heated with shouting and all, but very tense unpleasant conversation just the same), so I've not really had anyone to open up to about how I feel. This board is great!


    I don't resent in any way those who make comments that I don't want to hear. That's the nice thing about being in the "world", you can disent. There is room for principaled disagreement. It's true that I promised my wife that I would stay with her forever. I feel very bad about not believing that the WT isn't the truth. To be honest, I was happier when I thought that god would make everything turn out right in the end. As they say, "reality sucks". But the advantage with reality is that it's real. (I know that's redundant) It's also the only thing we've got. I have struggled with this part of it. If it weren't for my wife, I wouldn't have tried so long and so hard to make myself believe something that simply makes no sense to me. I thought about it from every angle that I could. It doesn't add up and I won't/can't be a part of it anymore.

    There are two angles here.First, would I have married her if I had not been lied to by the society? No way. She's a fine person. Smart and attractive. But, looking at it objectively, if the most beautiful woman in the world invited me to go down to Jonestown, well... it's a no-brainer as they say. My wife's beliefs are strange, and even threaten our lives(talking about blood) I won't rant on about this anymore. So why did I promise her to love her forever? I was under the delusion, inspired by self appointed prophets, that the world was going to end anyday. She and I wanted to pioneer, go to Gilead ( we were invited to the 100th (?) class, but I got very sick just a few weeks before the letter came) and save as many people as possible from the world-wide destruction. (madness!!!) She's still delusional, I'm not, I've recovered and I want a real life. (I guess the real life part is point #2) I could live a life devoid of any meaningful emotional contact, never have children (for the reasons explained above) and probably get by. She's not going to be terribly happy under those conditions either by the way.

    So, in a nutshell, am I obligated to keep a promise made under those circumstances? Is it worth ruining two lives, hers and mine, for the sake of keeping a promise? Is not inevitable that this will happen again to me, and maybe her? (leading separate lives makes the chances of infidelity a lot greater, i'm sure)

  • lv4fer

    Don't do anything foolish! The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence....until you get there. You need to sit down with your wife and have a heart to heart discussion. Tell her how you feel. Tell her you don't want to be a JW widow. A lot of people make marriages work when one spouse is in the truth and the other not. It takes work...but then anything worthwhile does. I've been married 18 years. Give her the option of staying with you and making it work. If she wants to leave thats her choice. You just need to TALK.

  • Xena

    Hey voltaire,

    Sorry to hear about your situation. My take on this is that if you have marital problems..address them without the complication of another woman..don't use your problems to excuse doing something that you want to do.

    Deal with your wife first..decided if you want to stay together or not. And THEN if you seperate or divorce start a new relationship. You owe it to your wife to try and look at your relationship objectively without the complication of another woman in the mix.

    As a side note...my husband was infatuated with another woman at one time and considered leaving me for her (stupid man huh?)...in the process of us working things out and evolving an open marriage policy he got to know her a lot better and ultimately was very very glad he didn't leave me for her (duh!!!!). Turned out she was a very jealous, high maintenance emotionally type woman...things are not always what they appear to be at first glance..just keep that in mind, ok?

  • Yerusalyim

    and if ya need to talk, Just Email me.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • voltaire


    good advce, thank you.

    Yerusalim, I may do that, thanx.

  • bluesapphire

    Voltair, due to being short on time I am not going to read everyone else's responses.

    My opinion (having been married to an "unbeliever") is that once it's over, it's just over. But you might not be sure of that until you're actually separated. I mean, try to think about your wife being free to date and marry and go to bed with another man. If it doesn't bother you, then it probably really is over.

    Point #2: Why tell the elders anything at all? You are not required to tell these idiots a single thing. Live your life. Make your decision and just do it without telling on yourself. If they find out from your wife, the best way to give them the message to F off is to SHUN the judicial meetings altogether.

    Good luck.

  • bigfloppydog

    no one person can decide for you what is best, since there is no children involved, it sounds like a change is good for you, why live in a situation where you are miserable, get while you can and live your life to the fullest, life is to short. It already sounds like you and your wife live seperate lives, what do you have then, no communication. You will feel guilty of course, but the org. is brain-washing, and controlling, do you want to live the rest of your life like that, and one day look back and regret staying for the sake of your wife, who carries on with her own life, and you with yours, sounds like you are thinking of making a change. The one thing you do have right now is you do know other friends outside the org. I's really up to you though.

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