do you think Jehovah, personifies love.

by booby 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickolas

    Hmm. So returning to the original question, Jehovah will kill anyone, man, woman and child, who isn't good enough to be in the small, select group of people. He will not personify love to the peoples He kills, surly, but He will to the bloodied survivors.

  • believingxjw

    Nickolas, "With respect, it appears to me you are betraying a paradigm that holds some groups of people are better than other groups of people. Those groups who are inferior, in race or creed or otherwise, should be erased from the face of the earth so that groups of people who are superior, perhaps like you, should inherit it. Do you really want to say this?" No, that's not what I'm saying. War is war. It is, as they say, hell. All peoples who have warred have at one time or another committed similar acts. I don't believe some people are superior to others, on the contrary, my belief is that all peoples are very much the same. And given similar circumstances would most likely do as those who came before them. The American Civil War was a brutal war and if we all had lived at that time we would have most likely done as so many on both sides of that war did, both the good and the bad. Let's look at the Palestinian situation today; if what is happening in the Middle East today was taking place let's say in ancient times the Palestinians would have done well for themselves if they could have wiped out the Jews from their land from the start. Decades of war would have been avoided, generations of children saved and so on. Now, to say what I just said does not mean I believe it a good thing, no. But it would have been in the minds of the Palestinians of ancient times a necessary thing. To understand the ancients is not easy from our modern perspective, I find it hard to read some of the history of Rome, for example, but they were what they were for their time. Not pretty but the truth is, imo, that given the same circumstance as they had many of us would likely live as they did if not by choice then by training and peer pressure. (sorry about the formatting. I've tried correcting it several times but it won't work"

  • jwfacts

    A God that sits idly by for 6,000 years watching his creation suffer and die hardly personifies love.

    If I watched my children being raped, becoming addicted to drugs, suffering from illness but refusing to give them medicine, and then said I could not do anything due to a legal technicality, then I would not be considered fit to have children, let alone personify love.

  • tec

    *technical side note for believing - I put a '.' between lines to get my posts to have paragraph spaces when the formatting screws up like that.

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    this :)


  • tec

    Jwfacts, would you tie those children to a bed and force feed them the medicine after they refused to have anything to do with you or your 'medicine'?

  • believingxjw


    You raise a good objection. A logical one. In the end we will all get our questions answered one way or the other.

  • Nickolas

    I'm done. believingxjw, please print out this thread and put it away for a few years before you read it again. In the meantime, think more carefully about what you hold to be true. There is no justification for genocide, no matter how you spin it. Religion taken as a whole (excluding for a moment your own personal beliefs, which you hold to be absolute and true) has been an anathema to the world. The three great religions of the world - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - worship the same god and they almost delight in destroying one another. Yes, I know what the different "branches" of the Christian tree say about one another, that their branch is true and all the others are false, but it all comes down to the same thing, and it does not in any way personify love for one another. Wake up.

  • believingxjw


    Thanks! I'll give it a try next time.

  • believingxjw


    I don't believe there is justification for genocide. You are reading your assumptions into my posts, at least it seems that way to me. I'm not justifying genocide only saying many peoples have done exactly as the Jews have done. That's not justification it's only the truth. Just as saying that no U.S. President has always told the truth all their life is not justifying liars but only saying the truth, the reality of things.


    The 14th Century Catholic translation mistake,the name Jehovah..

    Personifies the Organization that endlessly uses and Advertises that name..

    The WBT$ is built on Endless Mistakes and Outright Lies..

    The Truth..

    Would probably Cripple the Entire WBT$ Organization..

    The WBT$ works very hard..

    To make sure JW`s never find out the Truth,about the WBT$..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

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