What would you do in this situation?

by highdose 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    It's not worth getting sick over. But, you could also tactfully suggest since he is doing the cooking, you could help him clean up.

    This reminds me of when my brother and his wife accepted a dinner invitation from a person from the hall, who lived in a half-way house.

    She served them noodles with ketchup, dessert was philadelphia cream cheese on graham crackers with strawberries poured on top.

    My sister-in-law just pretended to eat. My brother ate really fast, hoping to escape really fast. The woman just piled more food on his plate. This resulted in my brother being sick for weeks,so sick in fact, he lost 20lbs. The loss of the 20lbs. was the only good thing taken from the experience.

    So, be careful.

    I nearly always come away with food poisioning!..

    And you keep going Back?..

    Has your Brain gone Mental?..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • Soldier77

    I think the food poisoning did do some damage OUTLAW...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I don't know why tact would be called for in this situation.

    Just tell the guy. "You are a really good cook but you suck at dishwashing. Although the food you prepare is delicious, I end up getting sick every time I eat here due to the bacterial leftovers on the plates, utensils, and cookware. I am not going to be able to eat here anymore until the sanitary conditions improve."

  • AudeSapere

    Invite him to cook at your house and insist he wash his hands with hot, soapy water.


  • AudeSapere

    Or invite him to your house to teach *you* how to cook.

  • AudeSapere

    AND I actually agree with MadSweeny.

  • nelly136

    you could ask him to pay your prescription/medication charges from your doctors visits.

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