What would you do in this situation?

by highdose 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    I have a freind who is a great cook and loves to cook for freinds at his house. The trouble is: he is not a great cleaner!

    The result being that the dinner table is caked with dryed on food, the plates and cutlery the same. Quite often the glasses will have lip marks on them still too. I nearly always come away with food poisioning! He also refills everyones glass by taking them all away to the kitchen and bringing them back full, but can't remember/ is not bothered about whose glass was whose, so everyone ends up drinking out of someone elses glass!

    I'm not sure how to handle this carefully? Suggestions?

  • asilentone

    If it was me, I would stay away from him. I cannot stand dirty dishes.

  • asilentone

    help him out?

  • highdose

    asilenttone... i have before now tried to wash up for him, but i broke a glass and now he won't let me near the sink!

  • asilentone

    buy him plastic plates, cups, utensils.

  • asilentone

    maybe you can clean his kitchen with his permission while he is out of the house.

  • trueblue

    Tell this joke @ the dinner table and see if it plants a seed?

    This guy went to the mountains to visit his brother who had been a hermit for several years and they had dinner together and while they where eating the guy said to his hermit brother "Your dishes sure aren't very clean" and the hermit said "Why they are just as clean as soap and water can get them" and then when they where done eating the the hermit set the plates on the floor and whistled and hallerd out "Here Soap come on boy" whistled again and hallerd out "Here Water" whistle whistle "Here Boy" Here Boy"

  • Lozhasleft

    Mmmm I have been in this situation...not nice...not nice at all...I refuse the food and drink..

    Loz x

  • trueblue

    Not to change the subject really but I just remembered of a time I went to visit a couple that where welfare recipients to have dinner they lived in a run down place with a concrete floor and the food was terible. The pork chops where like 99 percent fat and I could not eat it, so they ate my portion too, then another time they wanted me to eat breakfast. I thoght bacon and eggs could not be as bad as the pork chops where so I took them up on their offer and them eggs where real bad EW they where bad and the bacan was mostly fat like the pork chops.

    Then I took the guy with me to work and he branched off from working with me with some one else and got himself and his wife a nice place to live, cars, etc.

    Then they invited me to dinner again and I was very hesitent but went any way, and I tell you that was some really good spaghetti.

    "Oh man it was good"

  • LisaRose

    I guess it depends on how good a friend he is. If he is a very good friend, I think it would be a kindness to point out the issue, in as tackful a way as possible. Yes, he might be hurt or mad, but hopefully get over it and be a little cleaner. If he is more of an so-so friends, I would just decline any invitations to eat at his house. Either way, I don't think friendship requires you to accept food poisoning.

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