Update on my JC hearing...received the expected news

by SweetBabyCheezits 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    In case anyone's interested but unaware of my family's case up to this point, here's the original thread:


    So the elders requested a follow-up meeting last week but we were unable to meet at their set time and told them as much. Instead we had a surprise visit tonight at our home. So I did what most normal people do when JWs come-a-knockin and ignored them. My wife and kids were already out on the back porch waiting on me to join them for supper so I slipped out the back and let them call my phone.

    My assumption was right: They wanted to inform us that we are both being disfellowshipped, guilty as charged (apostasy of course).

    We will now wait for until the last minute to submit our appeal letters so that we can attend my BIL's wedding on the 9th (we can't have the announcement being read before next Tuesday so, yes, our only option is to appeal). We should be able to stall and then tell them nevermind before having to meet again, though. This isn't ideal but it's the best delay we could hope for. The fact that they caught me recording the meeting bought us some much-needed time. (BTW, if you haven't read the transcript of the last minute of their private deliberations, it's pretty good, but a curse word or two mixed in would've been funnier.)

    Not looking for sympathy, just wanted to update any who were following this. I know there are folks who empathize out there and I (we) appreciate the words of encouragement we've received. We recognize that things could always be worse. As long as my wife and I are together and raising the kids with similar objectives and values, that's what matters most. I think there's an excellent future to be had for my children, I just wish their grandparents could be part of it. Nonetheless, words of consolation should be saved for those who go through this and lose their spouses and/or children. That is something I cannot imagine.

    I'm planning on writing something of a.... uh, manifesto, maybe... for friends and family before the announcement is made. (Yeah, I'm not really capable of writing a manifesto but it sounds better than "memo," right?) It will be an amalgam of all the information I've learned from you good citizens of JWN along with a few personal thoughts and some comments from some books I've read. I'm hoping to post it on a webpage temporarily and link to it on Facebook before the fit hits the shan. Some will have to know what really happened here before it's all over. If it helps wake just one person up, then it was worth the effort, right? I think so.

    Best wishes to all of you in your endeavors to find truth.


  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    I'm planning on writing something of a.... uh, manifesto, maybe...

    Uhhhhhh, not good.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Well, does memo sound better? I need a balance between "revolutionist" and "office secretary" and I'm not finding it swimming in the 151 that's floating my grey matter tonight.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    What comes after manifesto?

    Usually a couple of .45's and an AR-15.

    That's all I'm saying.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Hahaha... nah, I'm exiting with my wife and kids so I'll be content to posit my beliefs with pen and ink (er, keyboard and screen). But, yeah, I see your point. Manifesto sounds a bit aggressive, eh?

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Yeah, we'll call you "The Uni-Scripture-Quoter".


  • StoneWall

    SBCheezits I just want to say I'm proud of both you and your wife for taking this stand.

    It's never easy and thats just the way the WTBTS wants it. They want to make it as tough on people as they can to discourage any others from daring to question their authority. It will take some getting used to as far as dealing with your mom and M-I-L since they still in and under the control of the GB.

    When I was younger I went through the JC and got DF. The main difference between yours and mine other than what it was for is that at the time I got DF I was still a believer in the WackyTower. I went through much mental anguish with the ordeal at that time not only because of still believing but also was young and couldn't talk to most of my family that were J.W.'s

    I wish when it happened to me way back then I'd known it was all hogwash as you do now. Woulda made my life back then a lot easier and more fulfilling. Needless to say I got reinstated after many months all the while still thinknig it was Jah's Org.

    Many years passed and then I started to see it for what it really was, just another man-made religion claiming they were the only true way to God.

    As of right now I'm considered inactive/spiritually weak (their words not mine) but to the ones on here the word would be fader. But I've already had in last 6 months over 3 visits from the Elders just dropping by.(checking up on me is more like it) I'm always nice as long as they are and love being at home when talking to them because at my house I set the tone/tempo. But I got the feeling I got a big bullseye on me like a target and they're just waiting on me to mess up. If it wasn't for my family that is still in I'd done told them I DA.

    But in all seriousness if I was to get DF I could care less at this point. Like you, I've already gotten my wife and son out, and I've helped two of my sisters see the "light" and they're out now. Working on a few more as discreetly as I can and testing the waters with them on their feelings on some matters. But I know the day will come when the jig will be up. And it will be time for me to tell them I'm out and won't be coming back again.

  • Lozhasleft

    Well done SBC

    Loz x

  • Chalam

    It will be an amalgam of all the information I've learned from you good citizens of JWN along with a few personal thoughts and some comments from some books I've read. I'm hoping to post it on a webpage temporarily and link to it on Facebook before the fit hits the shan. Some will have to know what really happened here before it's all over. If it helps wake just one person up, then it was worth the effort, right? I think so.


    IMHO, keep it concise. Just list a handful of big reasons why you can no longer be a JW rather than a multi page diatribe against the WT.

    Sure, the later might feel better but it is less likely to get read or well received compared to a five point bulleted list of major failings of the borg.



  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Keep your “manifesto” to no more than 2 paragraphs. Witnesses will switch off if it’s any longer. That’s if they don’t switch off after the first line or so, when they realise that you’ve become an evil apostate.

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