Ex-Christians being angry

by Jonathan Drake 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • cappytan
    I will try this, if it'll help me not be so pissed then thats good. I don't like having such a short fuse when it used to be much much longer.

    It's called "Mindfulness Meditation." Google it to see how to do it. It's not easy at first, because our minds are naturally busy and noisy. But it helps calm the emotions and give some clarity. Buddhists are some who practice it, but it's not at all based on any weird supernatural or outlandish beliefs and you don't have to be a buddhist to practice it or benefit from it.

  • Phizzy

    I identified a long time ago that any anger I felt was entirely at the religion itself, and its leaders. I have no gripe with individual JW's or with any JW Congregation.

    I think it is good to keep that anger alive to a degree, to give me the motivation to battle the evil that is the JW religion.

    But I simply cannot be arsed anymore to get exercised about their silly beliefs and claims, and I do know that there is little chance of me freeing JW's that I know.

    I am much more relaxed about the whole thing than I was in the first two or three years after I left.

  • Chris Hannover
    Chris Hannover
    I identified a long time ago that any anger I felt was entirely at the religion itself, and its leaders. I have no gripe with individual JW's or with any JW Congregation.

    I'm the exact opposite, it is the individuals that take the abusive actions, not a religion.

    A decent person would never support child molestation, no matter their religion.

    If an any person behaves abusively, they're an abusive person. That responsibility should not be shifted to their religion. No corporation is responsible for an individual's actions.

    However, most people do find it is easier to blame the religion rather than taking action person to person. For every truly evil thing I have ever seen, their has been a handful of nice people making excuses why they did nothing. Blaming a religion is always one of the excuses.

  • Chris Hannover
    Chris Hannover

    The WBTS would be powerless if individuals refused to behave abusively towards others. There would be no shunning, no supporting child abusers, and no sabotaging people's lives.

    The power for good or evil lies in the hands of individuals, no matter their religion.

  • millie210

    Jonathan Drake,

    I cannot tell you how impressed I am with your self realization. It appears to me (but I am just out of the gate so to speak) that too many people leave this religion or religion in general and either quickly or through a process, arrive at atheism. They then begin to "preach"their atheism with a zealots approach that befits their JW counterparts!

    You however seem different than the above. You are angry and not masking it.as intellectualism and common sense.

    I bet you could post on some threads about this and not offend people. Its your self awareness and honesty that would make people want to listen to your views.

    I would love to discuss atheism. I have some tentative questions but I dont bring it up here and I scroll right on by the threads on that topic because honestly? Atheism does not have an ambassador on this forum.

  • cofty
    Atheism does not have an ambassador on this forum

    Atheism isn't a thing.

    I could name quite a number of people on this forum who have explained the evidence against theism as compellingly as you will find anywhere on the internet.

  • cantleave

    Atheism does not have an ambassador on this forum.

    Neither does non-ornithology.

  • Chris Hannover
    Chris Hannover
    Atheism does not have an ambassador on this forum.
    Neither does non-ornithology.

    Good point, neither does not riding unicycles!

    We need an ambassador for those who don't ride unicycles! We don't hate unicycles, we just don't ride them.

  • Finkelstein

    Now I'm angry about Christianity being a big huge lie.

    Well wait a second not all forms of Christianity are personally damaging and dangerous, actually some promote good things toward mankind.

    There are Christian based religions that dont break apart families or tell their followers to not pursue higher education, or influence people to let themseves die if they need a blood transfuion.

    Sure the WTS/JWS is a lying corrupt religious publishing house, that does more for its own public image in supporting itself than anything else.

    What I'm trying to say is that not all forms of Christianity are bad for ones to participate in.

  • done4good

    Angry, no...more like righteously indignant towards.


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