How does your congregation feel about the new song book?

by stuckinamovement 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heartofaboy

    Do tell us what is says St George

    Please tell us.

  • blondie

    People who aren't even musical can see how bad they are, difficult to sing. Granted in 1984 the new songbook had some clunkers, but there were quite a few that had good tunes, even not too bad lyrics. But they have gutted or eliminated many of these and I do believe that even fewer jws today have any musical capabilities.

    I remember the story of the Kusserow family in Nazi Germany who suffered real persecution. Each one of them could play a musical instrument and they had a family band and played together for entertainment.

    How many people do you know today that can play an instrument; how many of them learned before they were a jw?

    *** w85 9/1 p. 11 My Family’s Love for God Despite Prison and Death ***Dad also included time for recreation, which included music, painting, and a number of other things, all supervised by Mother, a professional teacher. We had five violins, a piano, a reed organ, two accordions, a guitar, and several flutes. Yes, not only did our parents supervise our school homework but they also made music and singing a part of our educational program.

  • Heartofaboy

    Yes blondie I recall the 1984 songbook was not received well & there was a letter sent to all congregations telling us off for not appreciating the'bell like tone' of the plinky plonk piano.

    The previous songbook had orchestral recordings to help make the most of the voices.

  • sir82

    I'm pretty sure I remember a recent BOE letter, or maybe a letter to the congregations, giving a list of songs to be used at the upcoming circuit assembly & SAD.

    It was a short letter, but if I remember correctly, it "encouraged" the publishers to practice those songs ahead of time so that they wouldn't sound like mumbling bumblers when the music played.

    Yes indeed, the new songbook is one of the absolute least-favorite changes they've made recently. I thought they couldn't top the bad feelings generated by dropping the in-home Book study, but I was wrong.

    Lesson learned: Never underestimate the ability of the GB to outdo itself in discouraging the flock!

  • undercover

    I guess God isn't all the talented when it comes to music. I guess it skipped a generation and Satan got all that talent.

    Meaning...if the WTS is directed by God's holy spirit and this is all they can come up with? Some of the worst shit ever recorded. Each generation of songs released is worse than the one before. The new ones aren't even singable...

    ...while Satan has influenced all the "worldly" musical artists (debased though they are) to continually create great works of music. Songs that transcend time. Songs that are instantly recognizable and sung along to by millions of people.

  • blondie

    sir82, has the WTS or the local congregation suggested staying after the meeting on Sunday (or equivalent) to practice these songs?

    I remember reading about African jws doing that and they sing without music and sound great.

    I remember them dropping the 4 stanzas (soprano, alto, tenor, bass lines). Several in congregations I attended there were jws that sang the alto or tenor line and it was very beautiful...they're dead now.

  • JWoods
    I guess God isn't all the talented when it comes to music.

    Johan Sebastian Bach might argue that point -

  • miseryloveselders

    remember reading about African jws doing that and they sing without music and sound great.

    I remember them dropping the 4 stanzas (soprano, alto, tenor, bass lines). Several in congregations I attended there were jws that sang the alto or tenor line and it was very beautiful...they're dead now.

    LOL, that came off so morbid.

  • blondie

    But they are....very few jws have any singing training or want any. Only the oldtimers....if I were still there I would be one of the last.

    It's sad but the good singers are gone, gone with the piano players.

    Any musically trained person will tell you that songs are better sung with live music; they turned the KH into a karoke event.

  • sir82
    sir82, has the WTS or the local congregation suggested staying after the meeting on Sunday (or equivalent) to practice these songs?

    Oh yeah, that would be real popular....not.

    I was about to say, not even the WTS would be dumb enough to suggest that, then I re-read the last line of my last post who knows?

    Maybe the COs will recommend it on their next round of visits?

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