How does your congregation feel about the new song book?

by stuckinamovement 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    After Prince's Viking song last year we might want to cross him out. I've noticed the general consensus is the new songs.........suck. It's another one of those elephants in the room too that nobody wishes to address. They all just kinda of sing half heartedly, but we all know what each other is thinking. You don't have to be a embittered apostate to recognize the music has taken a step backwards.

  • agonus

    The last songbook had a few decent songs, but most of them were written well over half a century ago. As the WT continues its slide into mediocrity things just get worse and worse. I mean, how many soul-stirring melodies do you expect to come from a throng of window washers and janitors?


    Life is too short..

    Even when a good tune is written by professionals..

    It`s worked over by a JW in charge.. Who thinks they know about music..

    The result is endless WBT$ Crap Noise..

    I think I just discovered the Title for the WBT$ new song Book..


    "Endless WBT$ Crap Noise Song Book"..

    ( Noise that will peel paint off a Barn door)..

    ................. ....OUTLAW

  • agonus

    And what's with the plink-de-dink-de-dink piano-only accompaniment?! Why can't we have REAL orchestral instrumentation featuring, oh, I don't know, something like organs, for example?

  • agonus

    Plink de dink de dink de dink de dink dink "PROVE"... plink de dink de dink de dink de dink dink "LOVE"...

    Plink de dink de dink de dink de dink dink "GIV'N"... plink de dink de dink de dink de dink dink "HEAV'N"...

  • WTWizard

    Nice to know that the new songbook is flying about like a lead zeppelin. Cult chants, dying cats, molested bees--and for the most part, it is not improving. I know they could have done better--but, to prevent anyone from feeling good about themselves, they made this sxxx on purpose so that they sound like dying cats even when sung correctly. Also, they couldn't have anyone actually enjoying any of the new Kingdumb Maladies, because then they might be "serving God for the music, not just for God".

    And, they now have the new tool "brazen conduct" for anyone that doesn't like the new Kingdumb maladies. Why give them decent songs (and I do not think the old ones were "decent", just not as bad as the new ones) when you can give them the most horrible songs possible and expect them to love them? And, if they don't, it is "brazen conduct".

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I never heard or saw the new song book music, but I did get the hint of what it sounds like from AGONUS. Thank you for that icky but necessary explanation. Plink de dink dink back at ya

  • agonus

    I don't mind lovely piano solos but for me vocal accompaniment - no matter how lovely - totally kills the piano music for me and vice versa.

  • JimmyPage

    The new songbook is proof that the Governing Body still does not have a clue about what this organization really needs.

    Not only do the songs sound basically the same, but they've actually gotten even more boring!

    The whole project was completely unnecessary (unless it had actually produced catchy music with a backbeat).

    It's just like their response to every legitimate criticism they receive- outdated, boneheaded, and misguided.

    And yet they still believe everything they say carries the weight of God himself!

    Here's some advice, GB: buy a drumset for your recordings- if for no other reason than to wake us all up with the cymbals!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I have yet to meet anyone who genuinely likes them. The GB cages have really been rattled on this issue such that they have printed an article about the new songs in the December 15, 2010 WT, pages 20-24. You need to read it to believe the dribble they have printed!

    I think it is all down to the control issue. If people are allowed to make critical coments about this new 'music', the next thing they will be making critical comments about the new doctrine, e.g. the generation twaddle.

    Stamp out any dissent!!!


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