Hi! I'm a new member here

by faqs7719 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ding


    For those who really want to dig into the 607 date issue, Carl Olaf Jonsson's The Gentile Times Reconsidered is available. Ray Franz refers to Carl's research in CoC. It was the depth of Carl's research that convinced Ray that the 607 date was wrong.

    I'm always amazed when JWs say the 607 date isn't that important. If it is off by 20 years, then the whole basis for the 1914 "invisible parousia" is gone. It's that's gone, then the idea that Jesus was present then and selected the WTS as the "faithful and discreet slave" is gone too.

    If you want to examine the reliability of the Bible too, FAQ, that's fine. Just make sure you don't throw it out just because some 19th-21st century organization in Brooklyn aren't who they claim to be.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Welcome faqs 7719!

    Many on this site have asked the same questions about the Bible's inspiration as you. Some have come to the conclusion that it is not God's word, others still believe it is. There is no logical reason that we cannot question the Bible's authenticity in the same way we questioned the JW religion. If we decide to "throw it out", along with the religion, that's our choice.

    So there, Ding!

  • faqs7719

    Hi Ding!

    Yes I know the implication of the 607 and yes it is important, because it shows that we are liars.

    And yes I speak spanish, Darth plaugeis (sorry for my english).

  • Ding


    I never said you couldn't choose to throw out the Bible along with the Watchtower.

    Examine the Bible, fine, and if you decide to reject it, that's your choice.

    I just made the point to FAQ that a person needs to make sure they have better reasons for doing so than that it's been misused for years by a cult that lied to and hurt you.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    No i saw the ? upside down I wish I could do that.

  • moshe

    I hope your JW family stays on speaking terms with you. Welcome.

  • flipper

    FAQS7719- Welcome to the board my friend . I'm sure it was surprising to you to find these things out. And you are right- we were all deceived by the leaders of the WT organization - however you are also right that the main thing is to just be a good person and care for others. Treat people with dignity and respect and care. Don't have to be in an organization to do that ! Look forward to your comments friend. Welcome, enjoy the stay

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Oh, I agree with you Ding, there are hundreds of better reasons to throw it out than that!

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome, faqs.

    Keep questioning.

    And then question some more.

  • 3Mozzies


    I too am new and can't believe the difference in my attitude towards others and my overall happiness has improved ever since I left the 'Watchtower Borg'.

    I hope you can help your family see what you see now.


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