Hi!! New Here and need to express some feelings

by Knb1983 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Knb1983

    Hello everyone! I'm so glad I happened to stumble across this website cause I really need to express what I've been holding inside for quite some time. I'm 27 and was born and raised in the "truth". I'm married and my husband was also raised as a JW, been married for almost 7 years and have two kids who have just started kindergarten and preschool. We have been inactive for years now, but my problem is I feel so confused about the way I was raised and what I was taught as a JW and the way I want to live my life now and raise my kids.

    Some of my earliest memories are of going to the kingdom hall and out in service. I remember starting kindergarten and my mom and dad bringing that blue brochure (can't remember the name right now) to my teacher and going over all the things I couldn't perticipate in, but I got lucky in not being the only JW girl in my class. There were two other girls in my class and we all became best friends and were known as the "JW girls" among our classmates. Even though we had each other we still felt left out when our class had holiday parties or whatever else they did that we couldn't do, and we were sent to the library until everything was over. This was how elementary school was for all three of us. The other two girls had parents who were irregular to the meetings and were pretty much JW's in name only, so I had the strictest parents. In middle school I at least had the friends that I grew up with from kindergarten on, so that wasn't so bad socially. I couldn't associate with my classmates after school though and I couldn't play any sports or be a cheerleader or go to any school dances. Now when I reached high school I felt like an outsider. Most of the kids I didn't know and it was difficult for me to socialize and make new friends. Even within the congregation I didn't really have friends cause only certain families hung out together. I was a good kid, but i did have boyfriends that my parents didn't know about and would sneak around and lie so I could just go to the movies with them. I didn't go to parties when I was a teen, didn't go to any school dance except for one my junior year and that was only because I was on the yearbook staff and was assigned to take pictures. My mom guilted me out of going to my senior prom. The weekend of prom was the same weekend of a circuit assembly that my grandmother was assigned to and my mom and aunt decided to go so I felt like I had no choice but to go. After graduating I wanted to go away for college, but got guilted out of that so went to my local college so I could live at home. I dropped out after 3 semesters (whice is a huge regret) and ended up getting baptized (another huge regret, but at the time felt like I had to) so I could marry my husband. Despite the fact that I was born and raised a JW, my husband's family and some friends considered me a "worldly" person because I wasn't baptized. I do have to say that my husband didn't care what they thought and has had doubts for years about the JW's. I also have two younger brothers, but my parents were always more strict with me. I was always scared of disappointing my family, plus my mom could lay a guilt trip on me that you wouldn't believe, so I was the good girl who didn't do anything. And now my 23 yr. old brother is shacking up with his girlfriend and doesn't care what anyone thinks or says about it, he does what he wants. My 17 yr. old brother comes and goes as he pleases, has tons of friends, has girlfriends my parents actually know about, and got expelled from school for weed. But things were different for them because my parents got divorced about 6 yrs. ago. My dad was DF'd for a while but got reinstated and is now remarried and unhappy, my mom is inactive but will never question or doubt the religion she was also born and raised in

    My problem now is even though we have been inactive, I used to think I could never turn my back on Jehovah and wondered how could someone who was raised as a JW turn to another religion or start celebrating the holidays or become apart of this "system of things". For a long while now I have wanted to research on my own the origins of the organization but felt scared and guilty for wanting to look outside of the information the society gives us. I've come to realize there's something wrong with being told what to believe and not being able ask questions about things that don't really make sense or being told not to do outside research or come to your own conclusions about the bible. I have lived with this fear of being destroyed at armageddon for as long as I can remember, and I can't live like that anymore. I don't want to think that my kids could be destroyed because of me, and I don't want to feel guilty for doubting alot of what I was taught growing up as a JW. My husband and I don't want to raise our kids the way we were raised. I want my kids to enjoy school and not feel left out. I've never celebrated a birthday or any holiday of course, but I find myself wondering how fun it would be to give my kids a birthday party or decorate and give presents for christmas or dress them up for holloween just for the fun of it. I don't want my kids to grow up feeling different and socially inept. I feel like I missed out on so much as a kid, and I don't want my kids to feel like that. I want to feel free to live my life the way I want and raise my kids the way my husband and I feel is right without the fear of being judged by my family and my in-laws. I don't know how or even if I should say how I feel to my family because I know what they will say, especially my grandmothers who have been JW's for many years and everytime I talk to them make me feel guilty for not going to the meetings with my kids. I want to get rid of feeling the obligation to not be a disappointment to my family and feel at peace with who I am now and what kind of life I want. I have talked to my husband about how I feel and he's felt the same way for years now about the JW's. I'm just really struggling with coming to terms with how I was raised and the person I am today.

  • snowbird


    You are understandably torn; I'm glad your husband is on your side.

    My advice: Trust your instincts and do what's best - and right - for your children.


  • scarredforlife

    Welcome to the board! You are an adult. You choose the way you live your life and even more importantly how you raise your kids. You are on the right track. The further you get away from the JWs the less guilty you will feel. This board is always here to listen and support you. Congratulations on your freedom!

  • leavingwt


  • sacolton

    Thanks for sharing your experience! Welcome aboard!

  • gutted

    Welcome knb! Realize by examining the JWs you are following a Biblical command: 1 John 4: 1 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.

    There are great resources that have helped me and will help you. www.jwfacts.com is an excellent site you can start with and read through. From there there are several good books I and people here would recommend.

  • QuestioningEverything

    WELCOME!!! This is a wonderful place to learn the 'real' truth. There's lots of information on here and lots of support.

  • Knb1983

    Thanks for being so welcoming! It feels so good to be able to have a place to come vent and talk about growing up a JW, and it's been a real eye opener to realize the damage that being raised in that religion has done to me. I feel like I've been in some kind of limbo for years because as strict as my parents were in regards to having friends and going out and just being a teen, we didn't really do much as a family and became irregular to the meetings and field service as I got older, so my teenage years were a bit confusing to say the least. I really appreciate the advice and research suggestions by the way!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Welcome, do the leg work in your own research into the org and its background and beliefs.

    If its the TRUTH then it should stand up to reasonable scrutiny shouldn't it? That applies to both sides btw, apostates and the WTBTS. Dont just believe something because you read it somwhere or you see it in print or hear it. Test and challenge.

    It takes time and can become a bit engrossing, but gets you where you need to go. Read the bible, compare different translations, you may be suprised that the WTBTS gloss just peels away from doing just that one thing.

    Your guilt is based on the negative and guilt ridden message of the WTBTS that has been drummed into you since childhood, it is quite normal to have those programmed responses. Read Combatting Cult Mind Control by steve hassan for some clarity on the mind control. Read Ray Franz Crisis of Conscience on the real deal with the organization.

    Even then you may swing back to guilt and negativity and then happiness and freedom and then back again, it normal and a process that may take some time.

    I wish you the best in your journey. You are very lucky hubby is on message with you at the moment btw.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I share the same story as you .....only add a few yrs . No seriously my childhood sounded very much like yours ....I also waited until I was older to get baptized so I could marry my already baptized boyfriend . Even though I was guilted into being good because I wasn't baptised I was treated as suspicious .

    Unfortunately I didn't wake up until I was in my 40's . I already raised my kids as Witnesses . I now work around school kids and it tears my heart to see how much my own kids missed out on in school . The holidays ,extra activities and just having normal friends ....I wish I had the chance to give that to them ,but I don't . Happily my kids survived with minimal damage.

    When I first started doubting the religion guilt was one of the main thing I had to overcome . The stories I read here helped solidify my stand . What helped me the most I think was reading "Crisis of Conscience " by Ray Franz . It unlocked the left over hold the religion had on me . His book is not hateful just an insiders view of how things are really done . Once I saw the organization for what it really is ,a man made business/religion and publishing company , I was free .

    I hope you will find the same freedom from your past guilt indoctrination , and be able to raise your own children with love of life ,freedom of choice ,and joy of being who they want to become .

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