Could They Dump The Assemblies?

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    As far as I see, they might as well dump them all. To me, there is no point in even going. You are supposed to get new releases (which I usually get right here in late May), hear about the new light (again, I can get it right here in May even if the a$$embly is in August), and hear more rubbish (which you have heard a billion times, plus it is usually posted here). Most of the experiences are made up or embellished. And, the advice is crap--a sure way to usher young people into dorkhood.

    So, if spiritual food monosodium glutamate isn't why you go, what is? You go to meet a potential mate. How, if I am supposed to meet just men? And, with the increase in assigned seating and the hounders roaming the place to make sure you never get that chance, that defeats the whole purpose of going instead of logging into this site and others of its kind. And there isn't jack squat for entertainment--I get more excitement from getting a Sony Walkman and a dock for it than I do from listening to them testing the damn speakers. The "music specially prepared just for you"--they are just saying that to make you think they care. I prepared something like 600 Christmas songs just for myself, along with numerous other playlists that will fit on various MP3 players, and it is real music.

    If they continue producing zero or negative value, they are going to continue losing money. I would rather spend $300 on a mini-stereo system to play my "sun worship" collection on one MP3 system than waste the money on the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. And, I think there are plenty of better places to get better reading material--including online.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    "The publishers run their ministry at a loss, surely the WTB&TS, Inc. would too." This comment is at the heart of this discussion. It describes this organization fully.

    The rank and file operate at a loss and at very best the society is break even, no loss no gain. But we all know they are operating in the positive just look at the buildings they build for the corporation and the ones they build for the rank and file, who have to pay for all of them.

    This organization could literally be run worldwide out of 50,000 square feet of leased office space in New York City and that includes the various schools with as much success as they are having now. They could give the workers and Board members a salary and make millions. But instead they have so much money they continue to build gaudy buildings, print their own literature at a loss, and operate boarding houses for the rank and file that are privileged enough to get a spot in it.

    Having said that I think some have danced around this issue, timing. Right now these conventions continue to yield money. But as the numbers begin to decrease in various areas then the assembly halls will be sold off and the money pocketed by the society. Keep in mind they didn't pay for these at best they financed them to those that use them.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I don't see them dumping assemblies. The sheeples need those "special" events so badly in order to feel like they're a special part of a big special God's loving organizationhoodedness.

    But then, I didn't think they'd dump the Congregation Book Studies like they did. Those were always supposed to be so important for when gvt. turns on religion, the Halls are seized, and dubs have to meet secretly in private homes for survival. I guess Jehovah changed his mind about all of that.

    It would be interesting if they packaged the end of assemblies like they packaged the end of the Pioneer Assist Others program...

    "Dear Brothers,
    In imitation of the festivals of Ancient Israel, Jehovah's modern-day Witnesses have greatly enjoyed our large conventions and assemblies together. This arrangement has been so successful and so beneficial that the Governing Body has decided to discontinue this provision."

    Or, like they packaged the end of the Book Studies...

    "Dear Brothers,
    Due to the rising cost of [your stuff], the Governing Body has decided to discontinue conventions and assemblies. Please take advantage of this extra time that Jehovah has given you to study [our stuff] with your family."

  • miseryloveselders

    But then, I didn't think they'd dump the Congregation Book Studies like they did. Those were always supposed to be so important for when gvt. turns on religion, the Halls are seized, and dubs have to meet secretly in private homes for survival. I guess Jehovah changed his mind about all of that.

    This is one of the things that got me thinking too!!!! Fast forward to September 2010 and the sheeples have forgotten how important the book study was to be in times of emergency!! They even changed the name of the conductor to the Book Study Overseer to add extra umph to the arrangement. All of that is a thing of the past.

  • neverendingjourney

    They are also remarkably similar to Mary Kay, Amway and all the other successful multi-level marketing shindigs.

    My brother was being recruited by an Amway guy some time ago. Despite my warnings, he bought the special kit that allows you to start selling their stuff. Then he started attending their meetings and things went downhill.

    Amway's set up was remarkably similar to the JW set up. Weekly meetings. Special regional conventions at various times of the year. Titles for overachievers and devotees. Promises of a huge payday...soon.

    Most of all he was put off by the evangelical feel of it all. He's deathly afraid of the dreaded demons and felt these people might be under the influence of Beelzebub, so he dropped off the Amway map. Unfortunately, he didn't see his experience with Amway as reflecting poorly on the Watchtower. The corporatism and MLM schemes JW worship is influenced by escaped him completely.

  • elderelite

    never happen. They make money. Concider (this has all been laid out by people far more eliquent than me) but, most if not all assembly halls are paid for. Here in the Washington D.C. area we just got done (six months ago) building a TEN MILLION doallar building. Its paid for. YET every assembly there are "expenses incured with the assembly" in the amount of eight thousand bucks!! really? in a building that is TOTALLY PAID for??? the power, electric and taxes do not come to 8,000 bucks EVERY weekend of the year.. that money goes to the branch. They are TOTAL money makers. Our CA NEVER come up short. There is always a "deficit" on sunday at noon that miraculously gets made up before the end.

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