Lady Lee- who are you, and what's YOUR story?

by theMadJW 422 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brotherdan

    What did she assume, MadJW? As far as I can see you are ASSuming that if the policy is changed lots of poor men are going to be accused of molestation and have their lives ruined. The fact that you can't see the truth of what Lady Lee is saying to you is shocking and heartless to me. Because of an effing (and yes I SO want to say the real word) POLICY made up by 12 men in a comfortable room in Brooklyn, she had to suffer years of abuse and heartache like I could never imagine.

    Grow a heart, MadJW!!! There are little boys and girls that are getting sexually abused RIGHT NOW because of the WT's demonic policy.

  • theMadJW

    I was referring to OUTLAW...

  • theMadJW
  • theMadJW

    LL, he was CAUGHT - and, yes, they often do the right thing,buuut, as you KNOW, they often do the WRONG thing and/or make things worse....

  • brotherdan

    Still, it would be refreshing to hear 3 little words that I've always wished to hear from the WTS and never will. I'd like to hear them from you on this situation.




  • brotherdan

    The elders MORE often do the wrong thing!!! I'll stick with the police on this one. Thanks.


    Your the only one assuming..

    It would have cleared him-but the Stigma, when made public, never fades away; people will ALWAYS wonder.....MadJW

    Are you having trouble with my Question?..

    It`s a simple Yes or No reply..


    "Do you Agree with the WBT$ Pedophile Policy?"..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • theMadJW

    Imagine being an elder, or ANYONE in the congregation, and someone TELLS you they were molested!

    Even before giving ficticious circumstances, you know peoples lives are going to be harmed, some ruined- and WHO CAN READ THE HEART?

    Sure, people will fumble at dealing with it- wether church people/JWs, or the government.

    I am NOT saying one course is better or more proper than the other; certainly SOME instances will necessitate calling the police- but THEY are not a magical solution to the most difficult of problems; determing who is telling the TRUTH, and who ISN'T!

  • mrsjones5

    ,buuut, as you KNOW, they often do the WRONG thing and/or make things worse....

    <----wonders how bringing a pedophile to justice could possibly be wrong and make matters worst.

    Imagine being an elder, or ANYONE in the congregation, and someone TELLS you they were molested!

    As a mother, my first thought would be to protect the child and call CPS and the police (well it would really be to kick some ass but I do have self-control).

  • brotherdan

    MadJW, the cases of children lying about being molested are RARE! What is NOT rare is that they are FREQUENTLY molested. Many times it's by an elder. The elders DO have a type of good ol' boys club. They defend their own.

    Like Lady Lee already said, if the accusation is false, their name will be cleared. If there is still some stigma attached to it, well that is the price to pay for a policy that protects children. I'd be willing to submit to a policy like this myself. If someone lyingly accused me of molestation, I would strive to clear my name. But I would be happy that the policy was to err on the side of caution.

    We need to protect our children over EVERYTHING! Do you have kids, MadJW? I'm going to ASSume that you don't. Having kids certainly changes your perspective and makes you want to do ANYTHING to protect them against these monsters in the organization.

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