Lady Lee- who are you, and what's YOUR story?

by theMadJW 422 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brotherdan

    You are AWESOME Lady Lee! A sweet but tough cookie! Love ya!

  • theMadJW

    BD, often things are NOT as they appear.

    I saw a daughter-in-law in furious anger accuse her husband's father of molesting their little girls!

    I thought "What the HELL???? I never thought HE was that kind of person!" Her husband showed up the same time I did, ready to beat the daylights out of his own father; and he told us "Wait! Before doing ANYTHING else, get your girls, call the police, and have them meet us at the Hospital NOW to see if what your wife said is true!"

    Shocked, he called her to get the kids- and then ADMITTED she had lied, because she was so ANGRY at him. (He had told her just what a hypocrite she was in a certain matter.)

    He later told me how his ENTIRE LIFE would have been RUINED at that point, if he didn't PROVE his innocence- and all because of her accusation!

    So don't lecture ME about Hitler and ignoring ANY facts; sounds like YOU need to follow your own advice, here...

    ANYONE can accuse- and with child molestation, I've seen how EMOTION takes over, and how innocent people can lose marriage mate, job, and have a mark on their reputation the REST OF THEIR LIFE!

    Yes, the REAL molesters should be executed, not jailed- buuuuuut the FACT is that this is the most difficult of ALL problems to deal with.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The account is so Vivid it's like the reader is right there WITH you...but as I said, I'm getting the "gory details"- something I try to avoid; it is VERY difficult to keep your mind Powerful, Bold & Confident, so, while aware of such terrible things, I train myself to focus on the Positive.

    Try living it and see how hard it is to stay positive. You only had to read it

    The Positive to such horrors you've been thru?

    That you SURVIVED it, and have become STRONG, and that your experiences combined with your training are used to HELP others who have had similar nightmare lives!

    That is the point. If I can turn all the crap into something positive then it wasn't for nothing. I can help others and I do and THAT is the only reason I am still on this website.

    I wrote somethign a while back that expresses what I learned through all the abuse

    I AM

    I am my father's daughter
    And I am my own creation.

    Through the pain he inflicted
    I found strength to endure.

    Through the anger and fear
    I found courage to confront.

    Through indifference and neglect
    I found inner strength and self-reliance.

    Through his constant criticism
    I found the desire to learn and rise above.

    Through threats of death and hate
    I found the ability to survive and thrive.

    I am my father's daughter
    And I am my own creation .

  • theMadJW

    LL- that is called ASSuming.

    You know little of me, and NOTHING of my life & circumstances. I read to Chapter 8, planning to read more on the weekend, thank you!

    You ARE touchy, and appear judgemental.

    I simply wanted to know more about your view of our Maker, as well as your personality.

    Is that a Crime here?

  • JWoods
    You ARE touchy, and appear judgemental.
    I simply wanted to know more about your view of our Maker, as well as your personality.
    Is that a Crime here?

    As I suspected...

    BTW, would it be touchy and possibly judgemental to call somebody touch and judgemental?

    Just asking...

  • brotherdan

    MadJW, for every person that lyingly accuses someone falsely of molestation, there are 100 REAL and TRUE cases. If a person is falsely accused, won't Jehovah take care of it?!? Right? Huh? Can't hear you?

    And, yes, I will lecture you on Hitler in WWII because it is a direct parallel. How do I need to heed my own advice here? What facts have I ignored? I admited the good things about the WTS. But I also see that the bad is there and nullifies what they are saying. You seem to be content recognizing their wickedness and yet still saying, "It's the truth." I can see that many German people probably did the same. They may not have liked what Hitler was doing to the Jews. But they loved the good things about him and because of those things, they followed him anyway.

    So your buddies entire life would've been ruined if he was falsely accused? You are probably right. But how many lives of the victims have been ruined because of their molestors? How many people got disfellowshiped for warning other parents that a molestor was in their midst?

    So yes, MadJW. I think you are purposely IGNORING the FACTS. Not me.

  • brotherdan

    Lady Lee, that poem was absolutely beautiful...

  • theMadJW

    I see no "wickedness" in the WTBS; it may very well be there- but only hearsay, I will not judge, as you.

    No, I wasn't being judgemental with LL- just telling her waht her WORDS revealed.

    I had NO animosity, was DEMANDING nothing, and am NOT apathetic about what she, or anyone else has gone thru.


    Post 1293 of 1401
    Since 9/13/2009
    Post 1399 of 1401
    Since 9/13/2009

    BD, often things are NOT as they appear.

    I saw a daughter-in-law in furious anger accuse her husband's father of molesting their little girls!

    I thought "What the HELL???? I never thought HE was that kind of person!" Her husband showed up the same time I did, ready to beat the daylights out of his own father; and he told us "Wait! Before doing ANYTHING else, get your girls, call the police, and have them meet us at the Hospital NOW to see if what your wife said is true!"

    Shocked, he called her to get the kids- and then ADMITTED she had lied, because she was so ANGRY at him. (He had told her just what a hypocrite she was in a certain matter.)

    He later told me how his ENTIRE LIFE would have been RUINED at that point, if he didn't PROVE his innocence- and all because of her accusation!

    So don't lecture ME about Hitler and ignoring ANY facts; sounds like YOU need to follow your own advice, here...

    ANYONE can accuse- and with child molestation, I've seen how EMOTION takes over, and how innocent people can lose marriage mate, job, and have a mark on their reputation the REST OF THEIR LIFE!

    Yes, the REAL molesters should be executed, not jailed- buuuuuut the FACT is that this is the most difficult of ALL problems to deal with......MadJW

    Well It only took 2 days and 106 posts for MAdJW to actually say something on this thread..


    Hes a busy man and has a business to run..(So he says)..He still had time for 106posts..

    He doesn`t appear to be busy with anything except promoting the WBT$..

    He really has`nt addressed Lady Lee..But..Child Molestation got him going..

    Read his post..He minimilises Child Molestation..

    The same reaction I get When JW`s come to the door.

    "The children could be Lying/The mother could be lying..The WBT$ Pedophile Policey is the best in the World"..

    MadJW Clearly does not want to go there with Lady Lee..

    He says he likes to avoid gory details,but has no problem telling his own Pedophile story..That never happened..


    Do you Agree with the WBT$ Pedophile Policey?..


  • wasblind


    Lady Lee is the most open person on this site,

    she has put herself out there just to help others

    I have so much respect for this Lady, she has a

    blog on freeminds daily, that is easy to access and

    also shows the depth of how much she understands

    what people go through. As you read more about her

    I have no doubt of how you will come to view this Lady.

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