Some things that we APOSTATES keep getting wrong. We need some FRESH IDEAS!

by nicolaou 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    The WTS ain't goin' nowhere according to this scripture

    2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light."

  • cyberjesus

    The first deserters left the Borg 100 years ago. One of the 4 founders -Maria Russel- Left. One hundred years later, after many divisions the cult went from several hundred to 7 million now all over the world.

    This cult is not gonna disappear soon. We can not hope to wake up the current members but we can prevent our descendants from getting into any kind of mind control cult. Do not shy away from telling everyone you know you were part of a destructive mind control cult "The Jehovah's Witnesses".

    The best bet is if something rather suddenly happened to them. like the Jones cult. If they were all to sacrificy their lives to live through Armageddon. IF the GB had new light about the real meaning of Armageddon. or something like that. That would be the only way the WT would collapse. So our only hope is if the GB went even crazier .... but that is not going to happen. So the WT will remain here for hundreds of years, as long as there are people drinking the kool-aid there would be kool-aid.

  • Leolaia
    Again, it's often reasoned that losing the 607 B.C.E date for the destruction of Jerusalem would end in disaster for the Society. Sorry but I just don't think so. The Society could adopt the 587/6 date and 95% of dubs wouldn't even think twice about it. Why? Because they perceive the Watchtower to be teaching with AUTHORITY.

    I agree. But I think it always wasn't the case. There was a time when the dates were needed to support the claim to authority. This was the time when the Society was still heavily invested in date setting as proofs of the nearness of the end. Now the authority is so well entrenched that the dates no longer matter; this probably has been the case for generations by now, although the Society has been reticent to drop the dates. Maybe it may still feel that a new date may be needed to spur zeal in the witnessing work, but this will have no role in supporting the organization's claim to authority, which is already accepted as self-evident.

  • exwhyzee

    What's the big need to bring em' down, all about? Would it make one more sure about ones own decision to leave. Isn't it enough for one just to leave and be done with it ? If they dissapeared tomorrow, would all be right with the world ? What would one have left to talk about ?

    Any thoughts?

  • diamondiiz

    Money and Doctrine won't but time will. Most witnesses would have to look up the whole 1914 calculations but if 1914 was dropped many more would start to question and many would leave as the end is no closer than before. Would wts fall apart? I doubt it but it would be much weaker as the end would not be oooh sooooo close anymore for many. If they drop 1914 they will have to adopt something else or take a chance and tell R&F that they aren't living for a date but for God and that 1914 was a wrong idea which created a wrong thinking that the end was near causing jws to have a false sense of urgency and that sifting was needed to see who true followers were and who were serving for a date. If they sell this idea they can keep their crap of a religion utill all religions gets outdated in time. Their growth would suffer but I doubt the leaders would care as they would still be taken care of. If BS are still around almost 100 years after Russell so will wts survive any major doctrinal changes.

    Maybe if all the fence sitters just stood up on the same day at their meetings and packed their stuff and left and never to be seen again maybe more think deeper about why so many people left all at once. Maybe this would make some sort of news and more negative publicity would make it to the general public and more witnesses would be forced to hear the truth through the media or from co-workers asking questions. More negative publicity that is brought on wts because of EX members the better the chances that more witnesses will wake up. One DA here and there doesn't make a dent in a 7million memeber cult. After 1975 their membership dropped something like 1 or 2% and there was no internet so people didn't get informed of the global effect of that event, how many non believing members are there today? There must be at least 2%. It wouldn't surprise me if the number was closer to 10% of those who don't believe it or have major doubts but are afraid to say or do anything.

    Time is the only cure to the religious disease plague the globe.

  • agonus

    Here's a fresh idea:

    Some of us creative types here get together, pretend we're anointed, formulate our own doctrine and lay claim to the GB's authority, claiming to be Christ's legitimate heirs. In other words, start our own cult except drop the truly cultish stuff (blood, shunning, mind control) and make everything a conscience matter. Once we've amassed enough money and power to do a hostile takeover of WT Corp, we liquidate their assets and give the spoils to ex-JW WT victims Robin Hood-style then tell the saps who followed us it was all a big joke.

    I'm sure some would laugh?

  • Quillsky

    Reform the disfellowshipping policy and everything will change. The threat of shunning is currently the evil force that holds the whole thing together.

    "Just leaving" is simply not an option for many people because of the huge family and social implications, problems completely manufactured by the Watchtower Society.

    So....... if shunning were to end (or at the very least, shunning for stopping being a JW, or what they call "apostasy") then yes, a huge percentage would leave, I think.

    Reformists could sell the three-fold advantage to the org:

    1. Sure, many will leave, but those who stay will be there out of free will and not fear, leading to a healthier religion.

    2. "Apostates" and opposers will bug them less.

    3. Divided families will be healthier once they're allowed to communicate once again.

  • JimmyPage

    I know of at least one person on this board who has turned the tables on the WT by shunning his JW relatives. He's moved his family out of the country so his kid can grow up without the cult's influence.

  • GLTirebiter

    CyberJesus, are you thinking of William Conley, the first president of Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society? This was before before it became a corporation.

  • JimmyPage

    Thanks, Tirebiter, can't believe I've never even heard of William Conley. Your reference even mentions his association with "Bethel" and his holding a yearly Memorial of Christ's death.

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