An elder just wrote this on the "Prince" board...

by Tatiana 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsDucky
    How do you have gay BIL. Are your brothers gay or are your sisters married to Gay men

    It's could be his wife's brother/s.

  • GLTirebiter
    All this garbage about ... just dealing with witnesses is what it is garbage. I have NEVER heard or read such crap.

    School and Jehovah's Witnesses, 1983, pg. 23:

    "They hope their young ones will want to pursue careers, not as athletes, but as ministers of God. So Witness parents encourage their children to use after-school hours principally to pursue spiritual interests, rather than to excel in some sport.

    Participation in organized sports, we believe, would expose Witness youths to unwholesome associations. ... So if Witness youths feel the need for extra recreation, their parents encourage them to seek such recreation with fellow believers, yes, 'along with those who call upon the Lord out of a clean heart.' - 2 Timothy 2:22."

    Note the underlying meanings and loaded language in this excerpt:

    • "Witness parents encourage," meaning "This is what you parents must say to your children."
    • "Extra recreation," implying that all organized sports are frivolous, a luxury.
    • "Unwholesome associations" and "those who call upon the Lord out of a clean heart," implying that non-believing team mates are not wholesome and not of a clean heart.
    nowhere has the organization said dont send your children to school.

    Watchtower, March 15, 1969, pg. 171 *

    "Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them 'brainwash' you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any future this world offers is no future! ... Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal."

    Watchtower, September 1, 1975, pg. 543 *

    "No Jehovah's Witness should want to go to college. Rather, work in the Watchtower Organization!"

    Watchtower, August 1, 1975, pg. 451 *

    "It is foolish to want to be a doctor or a lawyer."

    Kingdom Ministry, June 2001 *

    "Some Christian youths are pursuing secular careers through higher education, which is having a negative impact on their spirituality."

    * These are a small sample of the quotes regarding education you will find at

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Years ago on AOL when I first started have discussions with JWs online I was shocked at how easily they could lie or mislead about what the Watchtower teaches. This person speaking about his gay brother-in-laws is a good example. Obivously they never where JWs or they would be df'd and he wouldn't be speaking with them but he doesn't tell you that. He leads you to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses embrace gay people. He doesn't tell you that if they were JWs their families would never speak with them and would treat them as if they were dead. He also doesn't tell you that his god Jehovah not only doesn't approve of their behavior he is going to kill them at Armageddon and let the birds eat their corpes.


    It`s all BS..

    Every real JW knows what the rules are..

    This guy has an association with JW`s of some sort..Thats all..

    He`s no Elder..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Tatiana

    You guys are so awesome!!!!! Thank you so much. I am going to post most of this including the BS meter!! LOL

    Lduh...the Prince board is the largest board dedicated to the artist known as Prince who is now a JW. There are many JWS on the board and they try to make it seem as if Prince is Jehovah's gift to the world. There are several ex-jws there including me. And we are constantly debating JW doctrine. This is a pic someone posted in a thread about how Prince is Larry Graham's puppet. hehehe

    Thank you guys again!


    Hey Tat..

    Come by anytime you need me..

    To piss someone off for you..LOL!!..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Tatiana

    Thanks outlaw.

  • sir82

    Based on the style of writing, I'd say it was written by a pimple-faced JW teen, no more than 17 years old.

    A little creative "theocratic warfare" if you will.

    Thought process: "If I write that I'm a pimple-faced JW teenager, no one will listen to me....but if I say I'm a married JW elder, hey, people will respect what I write..."

  • Joliette

    Remember the good ol days when Prince used to make good music, when he WASNT a dub? LOL.

    And that Elder is in denial!

    I'm on also: My screen name is girl4both.

  • DaCheech

    witnesses in california are a little diffrent, they drink a little more than us too

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