HELP REQUEST - Judicial Committee Hearing tonight!

by SweetBabyCheezits 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Your presence there is a mere formality.

    No doubt.

  • wasblind

    Tell them that you are following Bible counsel, write down all of the scripture in the Bible that encourages to ask, test and seek. carry your bible with you and go over each scripture.

    ask them is this what i'm being disfellowshipped for ? following Bible counsel ?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Just found out my wife has been charged with apostasy as well so we will be going together tonight.

    In case any lurkers aren't aware of it (and my friends were all unaware of this fact), you can be charged with apostasy for simply holding different views on WT doctrine.

    One last question, if we wanted to draw this out so we can attend a family member's wedding in about a month, what would be the best route? Appeal 6 days from now, attend that meeting, and then use the 2nd appeal loophole to send a letter to the Society? I'm wondering if that would buy us a month. The secret book says the elders have to wait for reply from society right? It would be great if we could draw it out a month, go to the wedding, and then submit letters of disassociation when we get home for a little icing on the cake but I'm guessing that's not possible.

  • donuthole

    @Cheezits - Does your phone have audio recording capabilities? That is probably the simplest way to record the preceedings if you so desire. You just have to be careful about State law.

  • Stealth

    If this is your first meeting you should be able to put it off. Tell them your sick and can't make it tonight and ask to reschedule in a few weeks.

  • slimboyfat

    Why not just deny everything? If emails are all they have against you, say someone else wrote them? You don't know anything about it.

  • skeeter1


    In July of 2009 Jehovah's Witnesses around the world will be going from door-to-door, offering householders the latest copy of the Awake! magazine. In this issue of the magazine there is an article entitled "The Bible's Viewpoint - Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion?" . Here are some selected highlights from that article;

    "In my homeland...changing your religion cuts you off from the community."

    "You may feel that your religion is inextricably linked to family history and culture and should not be changed."

    "The Bible assures us that God wants us to "really find him". Since our Creator wants us to search for truth, it cannot be wrong to act on the evidence we find - even if that means changing our religion."

    " God allows each person the freedom to choose how he or she will respond. No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family."

    Either this Awake! article reflects new light from the Governing Body meaning no Jehovah's Witness need choose between beliefs and family. Or the Governing Body is sanctioning a gross double standard between those being encouraged to join the Witness religion and those seeking to leave it. Whilst OK for anyone else to change their religion without losing their family (or more likely that the family doesn't have the right to create a dilemma) it's not OK if a Jehovah's Witness decides to change their religion. They will have to choose between their family and their beliefs.

  • brotherdan

    Cheeze, that's nice that you will have your wife there. Get it done and over with and then go out with her to celebrate...FREEDOM!

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Why not just deny everything? If emails are all they have against you, say someone else wrote them? You don't know anything about it.

    Well, first, I'd like my honesty to be apparent. And besides, according to one of the elders, they may not even need to pull out the emails.

    See, originally, a few weeks ago, two of them came by the house as an investigative pair (I only saw one through the peephole and it was my old friend). Like a ruh-tard, I opened the door and invited them in. Should've realized from other experiences on here that they'd want to pin us with, "Do you believe this is God's organization?" That was the first question. I didn't say yes or no but I did argue specific reasons why I couldn't put faith in many WT doctrines. A very small, naive part of me was hoping my old friend would see the truth. He didn't. So I guess they are taking that and running with it.

    Those two elders are the witnesses against us at this point. As others have said, that's all the rope they need to hang us.

    I hate losing my family but keeping my kids out of this cult trumps everything else.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Skeeter, that's an article that helped my wife see the double standard. It's amazing how obtuse the writers must be!

    Thanks to everyone for all your comments. I will be using a lot of your input tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.

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