Blackness. If the JW religion is a majority black religion, is this a majority black board?

by Quillsky 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Well it IS "Scientology for black people" isn't it?

    I wouldn't say the JWs in the USA are "majority" black but I WOULD say that the proportions are greater than in the general population. The USA is around 14% black. JWs in the USA are probably 25% black or more (this is just a guess based on observation).

  • snowbird

    Interesting discussion on JW's .

    This person's take on the Malawi situation is absolutely fascinating.

    jeffreylee414 Sep 08, 2010 08:02 PM REPLYING TO caborrojeno4ever ON Sep 08, 2010 06:37 PM Link Back I can speak from experience and can tell that what ndoki and midnitecowboi3 have said are true.
    There is nothing in scripture that prevents one from serving in the military or going into politics.
    If an individual has full knowledge of what it means to serve and that by said service he is required to kill(armed services,police)then it is up to him to make sure his conscience is clear with God and serve or not.
    caborrojeno4ever, it is not what men say but it is asking God what is truth.
    In the late '60's early 70's there were individuals in Malawi that were being persecuted(as we were taught) for serving Jehovah.
    All through this time we were constantly updated on how these individuals for their belief in Jehovah were suffering greatly.For their witness and testimony was what they said.
    But you know the real reason they were being persecuted?Because the government wanted them to register for a card stating that their government was providing them food.
    The governing body had told these poor souls that if they signed the card they would be saying that their trust was in man and not in Jehovah,because Jehovah is the only one who provides food.
    Here's the truth: Malawi being a poor country(as other poor countries in Africa)was recieving food from the world food bank.The requirement of the card was so the food bank could issue out the correct amount of food that the government would need to feed it's people. That's what it was for,but these men sitting here in America taking nolthought of what was going on in the world threw these people to the lions.
    How do you think the government would react when these people refused to sign?but these same people would be looking for the food the government provided.
    Be wary. And the NWT bible is very corrupt
    Look for those watchtowers and awakes if you don;t find them there look for a bound volume(that's a years worth of magazines)
    from that time period.

  • Essan

    "Well it IS "Scientology for black people" isn't it?"

    ROFLOL Where did you get that line from?

  • snowbird

    Samantha Bee of The Daily Show.



  • Essan

    Thanks, Funny stuff. :) That line is somehow imprinted on my brain now. I'll remember that for a long time. LOL

  • WTWizard

    Whichever group is least educated or is most disadvantaged is going to get most of the new recruits. This is not necessarily true of born-ins, and I have seen more than my share of white witlesses (including the dingbat that dragged me into the cancer in the first place).

    One thing I have noticed: Most of the blondes end up leaving the cancer when they become of age. I noticed also that relatively few of them join from door to door work, and (especially these days with more resources at their disposal) they are more likely to realize it's a scam before they join. In fact, most of the blondes in the cancer are born-ins. Which bodes very poorly for those who still believe in that "dumb blonde" crap. However, I will say that being dumb or gullible is not a factor if someone joins simply for the power and ability to ruin lives--people of all races, income levels, and intelligence levels are willing to join for that reason.

    As for those leaving the cancer, the smartest (who are not determined to use the religion to ruin lives) are the ones that eventually end up on these boards. They get left with all the pedophiles, dictators, and people that can't think themselves out of a paper bag. They also get left with all those who cannot otherwise support themselves because everything that gives them support (housing, income) is related to the witlesses and/or all their family is still in. Again, the most disadvantaged will be left behind, while all those born-ins with half a brain will end up on these boards. And I would definitely say that such includes members of all races and nationalities.

  • mrsjones5

    Depends on where the hall is really. Majority white community, majority white hall, likewise in a majority black community. I've lived in both and attended both kinds of halls.

  • aniron

    In the congregation I was in, for 30 years, here in the UK, never in that time had any black JWs, or any other ethnic group.

    Our sister congregation that shared our hall , had one black family, and that was only because they had moved up from London.

    This even though there were many black families living in the area.

    In Liverpool about 2-3 miles away, some congregation could be 20-25% coloured.

    Also thinking about asemblies and conventions for our district, they were majority white.

    Even though the district covered areas with large populations of coloured people.

    Yet the church I now attend in the same area, we have many Nigerians, Ghanaians, Filipino, Chinese, Indians.

    Probably nearly a third of the congregation.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Russell - white

    Rutherford - white

    Franz - white

    Knorr - white

    in fact every president has been white and as far as I know thare has only been the one black token GB member

    I suspect racial distibution will follow the community distribution pretty closely. So in mostly black communities you will find mostly black JWs. In Hispanic communities you will find mostly Hispanic; white , mostly white, etc. has a list of celebrity JWs and ex-JWs. Some were raised as JWs but never baptized and are no longer associated

    Definitely not a black religion

  • yknot

    I just looked at that Pew Report from a 2008....(quoted by the WTS in 2009 no less!)

    Here are their findings regarding racial demographics.....

    What is the racial and ethnic composition of Jehovah's Witnesses? 48% White (non-Hispanic) 22% Black (non-Hispanic) 0% Asian (non-Hispanic) 5% Other/Mixed (non-Hispanic) 24% Hispanic All I can is 'YEP' sounds about right from what I have seen............

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