announcement - printing

by seenitall 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • seenitall


    September 8, 2010

    The printery in Wallkill has been publishing magazines for 37 years and in that time has produced over 8 billion magazines. Starting on Monday, September 6, Canada started printing all of the English and Spanish magazines for the United States and Canada, starting with the December 15, 2010, issue of The Watchtower. They are also printing the English and Spanish Kingdom Ministries and most tracts. Wallkill is still printing books, Bibles and brochures using their 2 MAN presses. In the 2010 service year, over 27 million books were produced at Wallkill.

  • sir82

    Jehovah's celestial chariot - always moving forward!

    If by "forward" you mean "gradually shutting down US operations and moving the remnants to Canada", anyway.

  • undercover
    Jehovah's celestial chariot - always moving forward!

    Just watch out for that other guy's wheel...

  • wannabefree

    (Ecclesiastes 12:12) As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Jehovah's celestial chariot - always moving forward!

    It sickens me that they think such business decisions are actually a sign of the celestial chariot moving forward.

    They are getting out of the United States slowly to use up their "old" presses, but surely enough to switch to a country that provides free healthcare for citizens that are/were Bethelites.

  • ziddina
    "They are getting out of the United States slowly to use up their "old" presses, but surely enough to switch to a country that provides free healthcare for citizens that are/were Bethelites. ...."

    Agreed, OnTheWayOut... Wonder how long it will take for Canadian goverment officials to realize that they've been handed a very large charity case???

    Also, I wonder what the printing capacity of the Canadian branch is? Is it GREATER - or LESS THAN - the U.S. facility???

    If it's LESS THAN - that would be another sign that their membership is actually dropping - at least, in the relatively affluent "First World" sector...


  • brotherdan

    Hmmm I wonder why they shifted the printing opperations. Cheaper tax in Canada? There has to be some sort of financial motivation...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    This must be the sign that the King of the North is now CANADA! These truly are the Last Days!

  • wannabefree
    There has to be some sort of financial motivation

    Socialized healthcare?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    I kinda think one of the big factors for moving the 'zine printing north is that they had expanded the Canada branch over a decade ago, but used little of the new capacity. Canada stats have grown little in that time, but they're good money contributors up there. That excess space at the branch out in the middle of nowhere can't be rented or sold, so they moved more printing up there to put that space to work as more gets moved out of Brooklyn and relocated to WEC and WTF.

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