announcement - printing

by seenitall 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    They have more trees in Canada.

  • brotherdan

    Makes sense. There's a lot of room to expand in Patterson too. The whole other side of Route 22 at the WEC was just pretty much unused. We'd play baseball over there (and basketball in the barn), and there were some cows in the fields, but there were a ton of acres to expand there. Plus, they owned the entire hill behind the WEC too. I wonder what they are planning for all of that...

    Wouldn't you love to see exactly the amount they are making from the sales in Brooklyn?

  • Joliette

    Okay, can someone explain this to me? Does this mean that the WTBS is 'slying' trying to phase out bethel and distribution within the united states, saving money printing in canada?

  • ziddina

    Yes, Joliette....

    Plus, when the Watchtower Society dumps the Bethelites who are too old to work, onto the streets of Canada, the Canadian government will have to take up the slack, since they have a decent health-care program in place for ALL Canadian citizens... Which brings up another point - what would you like to bet that the brothers serving in the Canadian branch who AREN'T Candian citizens, WILL be asked to become Canadian citizens in order to work up there???

    And I'm not familiar with any programs to aid homeless people in Canada, but I'll bet they've got a better program for homeless people than the U.S. has...


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Wouldn't you love to see exactly the amount they are making from the sales in Brooklyn?

    I'd love to see how much money is moving through WT Corp. I don't know that they'll plan on building much more at Patterson. They'd talked about and submitted stuff before, but logistics are bad there. The hillside was a mess to construct on. Everybody can see onto the property by driving by or going across the valley. And getting supplies in and out on RT22 would be a nightmare now. Wallkill is a lot easier for more building. It's flat, big, plenty of alternate routes in and out, privacy from highway traffic.

  • Pistoff
    Wouldn't you love to see exactly the amount they are making from the sales in Brooklyn?

    Bossert, 50 million; Furman street, 205 million.

  • brotherdan

    That's all you know about, pistof. They own TONS of private property all though New York (not just Brooklyn).

    Billy, I always thought that I wouldn't be surprised if they built bunkers or some sort of underground buildings at Patterson under the hill. There was the HUGE tunnel from Maintenance that went up to Audio/Video that most people didn't really know about and few people could use. I had a key to it and I was asked to never use it. It was always a little fishy.

  • CuriousButterfly

    Healthcare is a definite issue. The US is starting to lean towards mandatory healthcare. In Massachusetts you have to obtain healthcare or be fined etc. So the WTS can see the writing on the wall and can you imagine the costs to insure all those bethelites?They have the $ but will sacrifice those poor volunteers to keep as much as they can.

    I knew about the printing moving to Canada last year, thought that was common knowledge.

  • LV101

    Does Canada welcome the Watchtower's expansion and having all this added free healthcare? UNREAL! religions are, obviously, TAX-FREE, in Canada or they wouldn't bother.

    WHY ARE THEY TAX EMEMPT in US (watchtower) since they do not legitimately qualify as a charity --- other than their lame excuse of helping people thru their magazines which our gov't knows is an excuse. They should be FORCED to turn all their properties into food kitchens and orphanages.


  • ssn587

    i for one would love to see the wtbts have to pay taxes, both here and in other countries where they are located. they get away with the charity issue which we all know is nonsense, they don't help anyone but themselves and those they do help are asked to give there insurance payment to the society. Have heard this directly from the horses mouth. RBC member a higgr there.

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