According to the WT Study this past Sunday, questioning the Slave is equivalent to questioning God & Jesus.

by miseryloveselders 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    I didn't see if Blondie did a WT review or not, but I wondered if anybody else caught this? Paragraph 15.

    Sadly, though, some have become casual or even cynical about reminders concerning the need to stay awake. ‘We have heard that same reminder for decades,’ they may say.However, those individuals should keep in mind that by making such remarks, they are actually questioning Jehovah and his Son, not just the faithful slave class. “Keep in expectation,” Jehovah said. (Hab. 2:3) Likewise, Jesus stated: “Keep on the watch . . . because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” (Matt. 24:42) In addition, Peter wrote: “What sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah!” (2 Pet. 3:11, 12) Never will the faithful slave class and its Governing Body take a casual view of those earnestwords!

  • blondie

    I hope to post the review for 9-12 Saturday am. Missed last week, too much going on.

    I remember that when I first read the article. So they aren't perfect or infallible but they are equal to God........

  • Wrong Way
    Wrong Way

    "Dear Jehovah our God, please help us to accept the teachings of the FDS, without thinking..."

    That's what brother literally said in closing prayer this sunday.

    Of course, I didn't say "amen"

  • miseryloveselders

    I hear ya Blondie. Too much going on here too. I don't know whats wrong with the font.

  • theMadJW

    This is true: I asked the Elders if they REALLY believe Jesus appointed them in 1919 (gimme a BREAK!) and if Jesus was teaching the crowds about a small group in NY! (They dodn't answer)

  • WingCommander

    Wow....just wow!!! It's these "brazen" statements made by these uninspired and not infallable men that shake me to the core when I read and hear of them.

    Even in my younger, most die-hard JW days would this NOT have raised a red flag, eyebrow, etc. They really are telling you to shut your brain off and not to question a single thing they say. This is so close to what David Koresh (Branch Davidians), Jim Jones (People's Temple) and other serious cults say that it's no longer just casual and kind of funny, but down-right damned SCARY.

    Who are they to make such claims? Truly, they have elevated themselves to the throne of the Most Holy!!!! If the whole "mediator between men and Jesus" thing weren't enough, now they make these claims? Total and utter bullshit!!!! How does this compare to the Boreans who not only questioned Paul to make sure what he was teaching jived with what they already knew, but were praised for doing so??? In WatchTowerLand you would not only be "frowned upon" for questioning the things being taught to you, but you'd be disfellowshipped and thrown out on your ass for apostacy!!! What a stark contrast from the 1st century Christians vs. the how the JW's run things. Truly, the Pharisees have returned, and they've elevated themselves to being not only your OverLords, but Jesus himself!!!


    - Wing Commander

  • Terry

    Unfortunately, reality is the greatest challenge to the pronouncements of the FDS.

    The climate of expectation which has been pumped continuously full of hot air for 95 years is refuted each and every sunset!

    Waiting for Godot and Jesus? Keep waiting!

    "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick" scripture tells us.

    JW's are heartsick from the getgo. The longer you remain inside a Kingdom Hall the sicker your heart gets.

    Eventually, the sickness is transmitted to the brain and sanity grapples with complacency until question arise which must be beaten back

    by warnings to TRUST the FDS.

    How long?

    Until you go mad....or leave.....or get expelled.

  • DaCheech

    aaaaaaaaaaah those 10 minute prayers at the DC's!!!

    and 8 minutes of the 10 thanking the FDS!

    makes me NOT WANT TO GO!

  • sir82

    That's funny...

    The scriptures quoted in the paragraph, all stating some variation of "the end is coming soon", were all written at least 1900 years ago.

    Evidently the word "soon", to God, can mean thousands of years.

    But when the WT makes statements about the end being "in the near future", "imminent", "right around the corner", we're supposed to think it must come right now? Uh huh.

    We had a comment in our study from an earnest young man who condemned some JWs who plan for things "20 years in the future" - "how unspiritual of them!"

    The WT conductor, a 60ish long-time JW who has been retired and living in luxury for the past 5 years, who obviously planned for early retirement for well over 20 years in advance, agreed wholeheartedly.

    The hypocrisy is becoming more and more revolting.

  • undercover
    ...the sickness is transmitted to the brain and sanity grapples with complacency until question arise which must be beaten back by warnings to TRUST the FDS.

    Your "sickness" statement reminded of a "debate" I had with a JW relative over my losing faith in the WTS just a couple of weeks ago. I got all the standard JW talking points hurled at me about 'the light gettiner brighter' blah blah blah... and I know full well that arguing with a believing JW is like arguing with a wall. Until someone actually questions on their own, it's pretty much a waste of time to discuss anything with them. But - once started I wasn't going to quit without having my say.

    Though most of my words fell on deaf ears, I think (or least hope) that one comment I made hit a nerve. It might not rock them to their core at this time, but maybe if they dwell on it, or if something else triggers similar thoughts of their own, it will come back to be considered...

    I called bullshit on the proclomation of the WTS of how we could live forever. I was taught my entire life that it was possible to never die. That the generation of 1914 would not see death. That was a promise. Now that were hedging their bets but still keeping people in expectation of "the end" any time, at which these people could expect to liver forever.

    What hit home was the bluntness of my saying that anyone expecting to never die is delusional. It's not faith that sustains that's delusion. To never die...say it outloud. I may never die. How delusional does one have to be to actually believe that? No one in the history of mankind has cheated death....and you think that you're among the privileged few that will? Not only delusional...fucking delusional. It's almost a form of mental illness to believe something so ridiculous...

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