need to get over it but cant :(

by bez 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • bez

    Mad sweeney, this is the same woman who told me her daughter would no longer be able to come play with my daughter again as she would be a bad associate as no longer a witness. (despite letting her kid play with the non jw down the road).

    So i guess maybe it is abit presumtious to think that that is what she meant by "your kid can keep the clothes.... (to avoid me passing your house)", but maybe you would think the same thing.

    She already told me i cannot have the 'best of both worlds', ie, have friends in the 'truth' and be in the 'world'.

    So i guess i just thought she was following through with her statement....

    ..Hence my feeling i have some sort of contagious disease... forgive me if im wrong tho!

  • wasblind


    i know this is an old saying, but today really is the first day of the rest of your life,

    and you have the power to eliminate whatever you want, that includes guilt and

    people who no longer acknowledge you. You are free to set goals for yourself and

    have the satisfaction of achieving them, you are free to love, live and learn . life is

    truly a gift from God, enjoy it

  • bez

    Thanks wasblind.

    I truely believe life can only get better now .. despite being told everything will just go wrong for me now i am in 'satans world'.

    I do feel happier already, and do feel much closer to my creator, but it still is obviously only human to feel a little bitter and disappointed by once really good friends (or so i thought anyway). However i know time is a healer, and i really do look forward to the day that i can just fully ignore the feelings of guilt and unworthy feeling that i have right now... i continue to pray, and am sure that has to be a step in the right direction

  • wasblind

    You know Bez,

    it's gonna take some time, and no one can tell you how much time it should take,

    we are each on our own time schedule, we just have to learn how to deal with our feelings

    on a daily basis, one day at a time, some days the bitterness and disapointment of losing friends

    just because i don't think like them get overwhelming. It's only natural to have days like that

    but in time, your time , it will get better.

  • wasblind

    " some days the bitterness and disapointment of losing friends

    just because i don't think like them get overwhelming."

    I'm refering to myself in this statement Bez, so i do understand how you feel

  • brotherdan

    Bez, this is why I try to pity them. They really don't realize how hurtful they are being. Remember that even Jesus asked His Father to forgive the romans that put him to death. Remember too that Stephen asked Jesus to forgive the Jews that were stoning him because they really did not understand the implications of what they were doing.

    This is SOOOO much easier said than done. It's especially hard when you are being shunned by a close friend or family member. For me, knowing that when I DO finally get out my mother and father will never speak to me again, hurts more than I can even comprehend. I always believed in unconditional love. But maybe that doesn't REALLY exist. Everyone seems to have some sort of condition...

  • wasblind

    Yes brother Dan,

    unconditional love does exist, if I wasn't a mother , I probably would have gotten baptised,

    but i could not see myself EVER turning my back on my child, yes we disagree about alot of things,

    but she knows that no matter what, our relationship is a 'til death do you part kind of love.

    we are both out of that cult, and have no shame for the love and support we give each other

    God is love. So i take comfort that he understands, just because i choose my daughter over this cult

    does not mean i have turned my back on God.

  • wasblind

    Sorry, i left out that, there were things about about their ever changing doctrine,

    and their inability to answer my questions, was also one of the reasons for me not getting dunked.

  • bez

    I just heard of a mother recently finding out her son who lives at home is to be disfellowshipped.

    She said to her hubby... "i think that *** should move out, he cant live here anymore if he is disfellowshipped".... :( How wrong is that!!

    I could NEVER EVER EVER turn my back on my girls, NO matter what, and that is Unconditional love always...

    I never thought that the people i have known all my life could only show this conditional love, i really thought they were friends for life no matter what!!

    I am greatful, however to have a friend who lives close who also has her doubts but is scared i think to break free because of repercussions of her mother, and she is great with me , that is an unconditional friend to me. And my other friend who lives an hour away, she is also awitness and has been my best friend for 15 years, she has said she could never shun me, and views me like a sister, no matter what.. that is unconditional love.. All the others are just robots i believe and maybe one day Karma will find them and do the same to them... it happend to me, i once 'shunned' my sister, and feel terrible for it. Just goes to prove the grip this 'organization' has on peoples minds... WRONG!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    "i think that *** should move out, he cant live here anymore if he is disfellowshipped".... :( How wrong is that!!

    It is so wrong that it is denied on their own official public website for all to see.

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