Encounter with JW's on the Street

by OnTheWayOut 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smsalvit

    I can't wait until the day my chance comes to do something like this. It seems like you handled it relatively well. When I was attending meetings I didn't even know an elders manual existed, so when a person I was arguing with mentioned it, I really thought they were full of shit and just pulling things out of their ass. A few days later I asked a MS and he confirmed it. The fact that he was correct about the manual made me start to think he may be right about the other things they said. I really hope this is the case with the people you encountered, just to plant some doubt in them.

  • ex-witness

    Would it be horribly wrong to do this:

    I have 2 roommates. I'd thought about filling out "Would you welcome a bible study?" request, so that some JWs could come to my house. When they got there I would tell them, "Sorry, Roommate A, isn't here now, but come on in (said the spider to the fly)." :) Then I would question them on doctrine ONLY an ex-witness would know, and see where their faith lies... (ooh.. double entendre!)

    P.S. I don't mind "stumbling", "weakening one's faith", etc.... because in the end, it would only lead to a happier, more well-adjusted life.

    Like JWs LOVE to say," I'd be doing a LIFE-SAVING WORK!"

    Most likely I'd just open the door, "Hi. I'm an apostate. Boogity boogity!"

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks all for your kind words. If I had wanted to stay and talk, I might have asked whether the boy was dating yet.
    If he said he was too young to date (or get married- the JW reason for dating) I would have asked what his parents would say if he told them he was ready for marriage and wanted to start dating.

    You all get where I am going. He's too young for such an important thing in life, but he's not too young to "dedicate" his whole life to WTS. I would have pointed that out. Then I would have asked if he chose a secular career yet? If he said no, (and he would have said no) I would have baited him into saying he was too young or inexperienced to know what he wants to do yet.

  • sabastious

    Many Witnesses disobey the GB's rules about shunning their family, but they have to keep it under wraps. I find it dumbfounding that someone would ever believe that shunning family isn't a JW practice... jeez!


  • laverite

    OTWO: You are awesome!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Those were quite the words you had with the JWs! BRAVO!

    If I would've been the adult standing there I would've asked you calmly to discuss a case in point of disfellowshipping and shunning, rather than just a general blanket statement like you made; you just caught those poor brothers by surprise and very unprepared, I must admit. Hopefully they'll be better prepared next time.

    The Organization just doesn't disfellowship people as if taking someone's name out of a hat. There is a very lengthy process that leads to disfellowshipping a person; towards the end, the person him/herself makes it plenty clear by their actions and many foolish ones even go as far as putting in writing out of their own free will that they no longer want to be a JW. Then, YES, by all means, grant their wish and let them go on and lead their lives how they see fit, and, YES, without the support of other JWs!

    Read your Bible... HELLO!!! From the Old to the New Testament, there has always been the practice of expulsion for those individuals that choose to stop serving God!

    By the way, I took away by your bitter words that you haven't done a good job of moving on with your life and forgetting about the JWs. Please, do yourself a favor... move on to the so much better non-JW life.




    You nailed his ass to the wall.....LOL!!.....He was lying to you and the kid..

    And..He knew it..

    I can`t count how many times JW`s have lied to me while preaching their truth..

    Good Job!..

    .................. ...OUTLAW.

  • OnTheWayOut

    DY, I was still following the rules long after you already joined JWD.

    The thing about it was that the boy reminded me of my nephew, my sister-in-law's boy when he was just a few years younger.
    I dread what he will have to go through if he gets baptized. He's in high school now and holding out on baptism, so there is hope.
    I don't normally say anything but "No thanks" to the JW's but seeing the guy nudge him to approach us just got to me.

    Then, "I'm already baptized." Oh that was a killer. What a shame.

    As far as the "process" of being DF'ed goes, I just cannot look at it like you- especially when they allow someone 10 y. o. (or even younger) to join up.

    I have much to say about that process, but it might just sound bitter to you. Thanks for your thoughts.

  • snowbird

    Keep at it, OTWO.

    I also continue to do my part.


  • nextdoorgirl

    OTWO you are MY HERO!!

    If only I could be so nimble on my brain! Very SHARP, very thought-provoking, very EXPOSING, in only a few minutes. So PROUD of YOU!!!

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