Do you love or hate to cook?

by VampireDCLXV 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Love it....

    My biggest issue is I don't always feel I have enough time to fully make use of my kitchen......

    Time is everybody's enemy!

  • miseryloveselders

    I like to cook at times. I was gonna bake cookies tonight after IsaacAustin got me that old recipe from the Awake. I'm just kinda tired. I like cooking and baking, but I'd much rather find a wife who'll do it for me.

  • BizzyBee
    Sometimes I love it, sometimes it's a chore.

    Yes, but 90% I love it.

    Mostly, Mr Bee gets a gourmet meal every night. I enjoy being in the kitchen - zen - plus I have my own little TV in there!

    The main thing is, I can control calories, fat, sodium, fresh veges, portions, etc. by making everything from scratch, including my own salad dressings. I use very little processed foods.

  • agonus

    Enjoy the preparation. Hate the cleanup. That's why I rarely do it.

  • Hadit

    Great! It's 12:41 a.m. and I am now STARVING! Calling Outlaw - since you live somewhere near me please come and cook up a yummy meal for me. I would be most appreciative!

    I like to cook but it gets tedious cooking every single day, day in day out. It's also hard to come up with what to cook every day. I wish I had Gordon Ramsay's fully stocked pantry and kitchen with all those yummy foods and great cookware and ovens.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I love to cook (except when I'm tired, which is most of the time). Hate to do the dishes though. Can't afford to go out much though, and I hate to pay for what I know I can make just as well, or better, myself.

    I'm doing Southbeach diet right now. Still, tonight I had some organic greens, with leftover, sliced steak, peppers, red onions, tomatoes, cukes, red pepper, cilantro, feta cheese and balsamic dressing. Delicious dinner for one. Took me 15 minutes to make. Including the dressing from scratch. Better steak salad than I could get in a restaurant.

    I also made some cilantro, garlic, mayonnaise today, spread it on sliced turkey breast, put some red pepper, scallion, and lettuce in the middle and rolled it up. Also delicious. The secret is in the cilantro mayo. 2 or 3 of those is a tasty light lunch or snack.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    It probably is missing the salt. Sage and rosemary are very strong and would change the taste of curry. Did you know you can buy sodium free potassium salts and get your flavor that way?

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