Do you love or hate to cook?

by VampireDCLXV 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I agree Mrs Jones ... When the kids come to visit I love to cook for them ,but with just the two of us home sometimes it just is a chore . I depends on my mood too. Now that we have had some cooler weather I am much more in the mood to cook .

    This weekend one of the boys is here and I have cooked some delicious Banana bread and we made french toast out of it this morning . Right now I am making shepard pie and Beer Batter bread with cheese and Italian seasoning .

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Love/Hate relationship. I hit streaks where I cook like crazy. Other times I could not get motivated.

    I am a good cook though - sometimes thinking I missed my calling and should have gone to cullinary school. I missed a lot of things..... well you know that story.

    I have been perfecting a rather tasty chicken curry this past week. Lots of fresh onion, curry and fresh garlic with tomatoes. I am on salt restricted - hence I prefer lots of other spices and lots of onion. Something is missing in the chicken - don't know what spice to add. I'm in a cooking mood this week.


  • snowbird
    Something is missing in the chicken

    Rosemary? Sage?


  • AudeSapere

    This past year I've done more cooking than I have in decades. I am enjoying it but a big part of keeping it enjoyable for me is that I do not *have* to do it. There is no set schedule. And if I don't want to, I don't have to.

    I'm really liking fresh herbs, vegetables, lemons, limes, ginger. I did not grow up with this sort of freshness and sooo love it!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey V665:

    Today, I made some collards with beef broth, garlic, and olive oil.

    This recipe of Syl's is almost identical to mine, but I add a dash of garlic wine vinegar.

    Since getting out of the JW-rush mode, I make myself cook for solo moi regardless.

    But I do love to cook!


    Bon appetit!

    CoCo de la Cucina

  • CuriousButterfly

    Love love love to cook. You have to like it to have a flair for it.

  • coffee_black

    Love to cook, and bake... especially in the fall.


  • marriedtojw

    Love to cook and bbq.... love it even more when the end result tastes like what its suppose to taste like.

    Just recently I made lasagna, pizza and several other dishes from scratch....

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I like to eat. I like to try new foods. I like to cook. I'm a good enough cook that some of my dishes are better than what you get in some restaurants and a heckuva lot cheaper to cook at home. I hate going out to eat and feeling like I could have cooked it just as well at home.



    Something is missing in the chicken - don't know what spice to add. I'm in a cooking mood this week.

    Black pepper/Thyme/sage/oregano/garlic/onion..

    Those are the basics..

    There can be others like Sylvia`s suggestion of rosemary..

    But it depends on the dish..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

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