We're not wrong, right?.............

by flower 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • yrs2long

    Hi Flowers,

    I think it might help if you actually do some of your own research or at least read other intense research on the beliefs of JWs. This is what helped me get over any lingering doubts. After awhile I would actually feel sick at finding out how we have been duped. Even after all of the head knowledge and the begrudging acknowledgment that I have been a fool for not analyzing all of the madness, I found that I had to let go of my emotional connection and realize that I was now on my own and had to make my own decisions. There would no longer be any leaning on Jehovah or the society either for that matter. And yet I found that this thought wasn't a bad thing.

    Oh how I cried at the betrayal of the society and the board of governors, I mean governing body. Imagine, I had already been inactive for over 8 years and yet the mental and emotional connection still ran very deep. These days, I am having the best time of my life making my own informed decisions and participating more fully in my world. There is no doubting now when I speak to my Jw family that they really are just drones lip-syncing the words of the Watchtower corporation. That corporation dictates what movies they watch, who they can speak with and governs most other activity in their lives. Did you ever imagine that getting baptized to serve god meant most of your decision making would be removed from you?

    As far as Armageddon and everlasting life are concerned, if exercising my thinking ability and making my own decisions with my god-given mind and heart condemn me to just one human lifespan, then so be it; I will take my chances.

  • wonderwoman77

    I honestly use to have these feelings as well. But how can a religion that claims to have all truth yet they cannot love one another, be the right thing. Really is there a right answer? does there need to be one right answer?


    HA-HA!Hey Flower,"Maybe compromising,ones concience isn`t so bad if its for a good reason."Girl,is that the kind of person you want to be?You are stronger than that!Find persons with the same strength to hang out with,including here!...OUTLAW

  • COMF

    We're not wrong, right?

    Yes, ma'am. We're not.


  • terafera





    It's post like these that refresh my soul and keep me coming back.

    I've printed up this whole thread and will read it every day.

    I love you guys!!

    Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
    garage makes you a mechanic.

  • Marilyn

    Flower, there's a saying "you can't un-ring a bell". The bell has rung for you and you now know the Truth is not the truth. However, if you are not sure, then put on your frock and high heals and go back to the hall. Sit down and listen to the talks and see if you like what you hear. If you like it, then stay. If it drives you crazy - you will have your answer.

    best wishes

  • Satanus


    That feeling will slowly pass. On the other hand, if your desire to be part of the herd is that strong, you can always go back. You can let these people on this board do your thinking for you, think for yourself (which is hard), or let the wt do it for you. It's a free world, but staying free is tricky.


  • Wounded Heart
    Wounded Heart

    Flower and everyone who has taken the time to share their thoughts,

    thank each and every one of you!!!! this is just what i needed! words cannot convey the feelings and the surety that i have felt just from reading this thread. for those that are not familiar with my story, i am DID (used to be called MPD). because of the multiplicity, there is a constant struggle within about our decision to not be part of jwdom. there are still some within that feel that we are making a mistake in leaving. but we are feeling more confident about our decision. you all just have made so much sense. the hipocrasy is just too much to handle and thats why we left (our bio has the link to where we posted our story). its our father that makes us doubt ourselves. not that hes a biblethumper. just that hes old and alone and still holds on despite the fact they treat him like shytt. but reading your responses and feelings and LOGIC has really helped alot. thank you for taking the time to share what you have. its just the dose of REALITY i needed. thank you. thank you so much.

    Wounded Heart

    Love by giving to & accepting others unconditionally = true, pure love

    "When in doubt, do the loving thing." ~ 8yr old "Pirate"

  • SYN

    Flower, have you ever wondered why nobody is allowed to ASK QUESTIONS during the Watchtower study? Or during the book study? Because what will happen if the mighty elders get asked a question they can't answer?

    It's all rote programming - 'repetition for emphasis!'. Eventually, even the silliest of WT beliefs will get hardwired into your brain for you by all the mindless repetition of the same thing, over and over. You are feeling sleepy...1...2...3...you are now under the WT's control!

    Isn't that a scary thought? That somebody else is making your decisions FOR YOU???

    You're welcome to go back to the KH. Now that you've opened Pandora's box, it will never be the same again for you to sit in a meeting, knowing what you know, seeing all those poor people being brainwashed again.

    On a lighter note, remember that the last thing that left Pandora's box was a little something called HOPE. Use that hope, feel it in your bones, and you will realize that nobody in the WT really has any left. Yes, they are sheep indeed, blindly following a bunch of old guys (who are mostly just as brainwashed as they are) in Brooklyn. Do you want to share in that? Go ahead, my dear, go ahead.

    You have to break free of your programming! Take up a hobby - anything will do - just distract yourself, let your mind heal the scars, give it a bit of time to itself so that it can rid itself of all the programming, and you will soon feel much better.

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • joelbear


    I'm going through the same thought struggles you are. I keep going back and forth as to what I think is the right thing for me to do.

    I have made one decision.

    I'm gonna stop asking other people what I should do. I'm reading the Bible and some other materials on religious thought and I'm doing a lot of meditating about myself and my life.

    In the end, your decision is between you and God and nobody else.

    Even honest hearted persons who are trying to give you advice (including me) can't keep their own thoughts, feelings and agendas out of their advice and the bottom line is, what is right for them may or may not be what is right for you.

    Read, reflect and pray. I think of you often as I go through the process over here in my little corner of the world.

    Take care


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