We're not wrong, right?.............

by flower 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    suddenly i am hit with this overwhelming feeling that we are wrong and that there are logical explanations for all of the things that dont make sense. aaaah. this is awful. there is no way to know. nothing makes sense anymore. and even when it does something else does too that is the complete opposite so what the heck?

    who needs this kind of aggravation? i mean maybe being a dub isnt so bad. at least then you have all the answers to lifes questions. who cares if they are true on not if you believe them thats all that matters. least you can live and die with a purpose and meaning to life. oh forget it, i know that makes no sense.

    maybe i've been talkin to too many dubs lately. i mean they make no sense when they try to answer my questions about things i have found out but its like they dont need answers cause they are perfectly satisfied that this is the Jahs org and they will happily serve in it forever. maybe its not so bad to turn a blind eye. at least you have a group of people all over the world that you are a part of. at least you are a part of something ya know? and not just thrown out here alone in the world with no one.

    maybe compromising ones conscience isnt so bad if its for a good reason, like keeping you from a lonely miserable existance. especially if we could be wrong anyway then it wouldnt be a compromise afterall.

    why would He make life so complicated anyway?

  • SixofNine
    and not just thrown out here alone in the world with no one.

    I don't know my friend, when I found myself "out", it was comforting to know that I was just exactly like 6 billion other people.

    Hey, I'm enjoying watching you "get out". Don't make me cry

    Think about how much better off your son is going to be w/o those crazy bible stories messin' with his natural concept of love and happiness. My e-mail is open if you need a shoulder. It isn't easy in or out, but the sky is the limit when you're out.

  • Adonai438

    I personally can say I know we are not wrong! JW beliefs for the most part are not in the BIBLE. If you would like some info to back you up e-mail me!
    I am personally now a christian-- don't let JWs predjudiced ideas of 'christendom' taint your mind. It's not anything like they said it is. I left through study of the Bible (and later, science, archeology, philosophy etc).
    An interesting thought occured to me when I left which is not the reason for my leaving but is amusing/comforting sort of:
    Well, JWs don't believe in a hell so even if they are right it doesn't mean anything 'cause I won't be concious to know :)
    <>< Angie

  • waiting

    Howdy flowers,

    Ahhhh, the aggravation of having to think and try and understand! I'm still trying....lol. Hang in there.

    Do you ACTUALLY realize what you've written? Sure, it's easy to click off, not think, follow the leader. Ever heard of the Klu Klux Klan? Jonestown massacre? Davidians? These are just a FEW of the groups of followers. Oh! Did I mention the Jews who didn't think about what the Nazis were really doing?

    i mean maybe being a dub isnt so bad. at least then you have all the answers to lifes questions. who cares if they are true on not if you believe them thats all that matters.
    It's so much easier to *belong*. We can all play the *at least* game.
    When a man hits a woman "at least he doesn't hit the kids." When he hits the kids "at least he doesn't rape them." When he rapes them "at least he doesn't kill them."

    When a woman finds out she has breast cancer "well, at least they aren't going to take both breasts." When they do, "well, at least I'm alive." When she's dead "well, at least she died not realizing how much pain she was in."

    We can all play that game. Sometimes we have to. YOU don't have to this time around. THINK! At least, you'll have your freedom - and so will your children.

    However, if you feel that it's ok to put blinders on for the rest of your life - and teach your children to do the same. Well, do as you wish, because you're free now - you can choose. Enjoy it - for you WILL give that away.


  • DIM
    suddenly i am hit with this overwhelming feeling that we are wrong and that there are logical explanations for all of the things that dont make sense. aaaah. this is awful. there is no way to know. nothing makes sense anymore. and even when it does something else does too that is the complete opposite so what the heck?
    who needs this kind of aggravation? i mean maybe being a dub isnt so bad. at least then you have all the answers to lifes questions. who cares if they are true on not if you believe them thats all that matters. least you can live and die with a purpose and meaning to life. oh forget it, i know that makes no sense.

    maybe i've been talkin to too many dubs lately. i mean they make no sense when they try to answer my questions about things i have found out but its like they dont need answers cause they are perfectly satisfied that this is the Jahs org and they will happily serve in it forever. maybe its not so bad to turn a blind eye. at least you have a group of people all over the world that you are a part of. at least you are a part of something ya know? and not just thrown out here alone in the world with no one.

    maybe compromising ones conscience isnt so bad if its for a good reason, like keeping you from a lonely miserable existance. especially if we could be wrong anyway then it wouldnt be a compromise afterall.

    being a part of "the crowd" is a comfortable feeling, but i'd rather have my own thoughts and at the very least the illusion of some sort of meaning in my life. "going with the flow" will get you nowhere in this world - especially if you are a follower of the JW's....nothing you ever do will be enough for anyone...mark my words. email me in 15 years and i'll prove to you that i'm right.

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • RedhorseWoman

    Flower, what you are feeling is totally normal. After all, you have (as most of us have) been in a cult. You have been taught over and over and over and over again that everything this cult says is true.

    least you can live and die with a purpose and meaning to life.
    Now, this sentence is scary.....really. Exactly what purpose do you have as a JW? Think about it. You go out to sell religious literature and try to convert people so that they, too, will go out and sell religious literature.

    Do you ever really DO anything of any benefit to anyone? Do you ever do anything to help make life better for others? Of course not, because the "world" is run by Satan and you don't want to get involved in anything.

    So.....you refuse to offer help to your fellow humans unless it involves their reading WT literature. You refuse to do anything that nourishes your soul in a creative way because it takes away time from "spiritual" things (i.e. selling religious literature and attending sales seminars at the Kingdom Hall).

    You throw away your family and any possible friends you might enjoy because they take time away from "spiritual" things, and they are "worldy" and are fit only for buzzard food.

    You spend your life dreaming of having a life....but you never live it. You covet what "worldly" people have (and don't say you don't), but you act superior because your mind is on "spiritual" things (planning your next sales spiel for religious literature); and you pick out the "material" riches you want to enjoy when Jehovah snatches them from the lifeless hands of their current owners and hands you the keys.

    You live with constant guilt that you might be doing something that's "displeasing to Jehovah", and you KNOW that it's displeasing to Jehovah because the Watchtower told you so, even though you KNOW that the Bible NEVER said anything about it.

    Sit back, Flower, take a deep breath, and really THINK about what's going through your mind right now. Is it cult conditioning? Or is this what you know to be true?

  • moman

    flower, when you learn the "truth about the truth" iz a LIE, how can anyone go back.
    Remember the "Shawshank redemption syndrome", when a long term
    x-convict cannot make the transition into the FREE world, henceforth, he commits a crime so he can go back to what he knows?
    Understandable, but sad!

  • Richie

    Did you ever see the movie "The Invasion of the Bodysnatchers"? In the movie it shows where people are taken over by cold, emotionless, human-duplicating pods from outer space. These people would then be obedient to do what their master says and they have no individuality anymore, although they were all in unison and worked together for a common goal, a goal implanted by a higher authority on robotic human beings...
    When you are not able to freely reason and think or have the ability to question and check out for yourself whether these things are so, then it is not worth to remain in an organization for the sake of not wanting to be lonely and thereby raping your God-given conscience forever...

    Richie :*)

  • hungry4life

    Compromising your conscience is a high price to pay but not neccesarily the highest. do you have family or close friends who are witnesses? What will happen if one of them is ever disfellowshipped and you can no longer associate with or even speak to them? What if it is your own children, what if they feel the desire to fit in during their early teens and get baptized only to find out a short while later that they aren't really sure what the truth really is. They act on normal human impulses and are soon ousted from the congregation(this is normal and quite common). Will you go along with the society and turn your back on your own children? Or will you rebel and continue to associate with them until the society ousts you too and you are in the same place (perhaps worse) than you are right now. With more years of your life wasted on an organization you are unsure of but with which you stayed merely to fill a void.

    I panicked a few times too and had the same type of thoughts. I even went back to the hall for just one more visit. When I saw how empty and shallow that meeting was I felt devestated. I had wished that just going back would be the solution and was scared of the unknown that lay ahead. Where would I go what would I do ? Sometimes when you are afraid the false security of the org doesn't seem so bad. But think further ahead (six of nine mentioned that you have a son) what will he have to give up sports, education, the feeling of being accepted by his school mates? So many things I can not even name but perhaps you can. And what will he gain? Guilt, poor self esteem,perhaps only to come to the same ideas that have caused you to doubt as well. If you need to fit in look around you for an organization you can join in your community, volunteer at a Head Start, Senior Center, coach a child's sports team. Give it some time, continue to read the posts on this board. Have you read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz? He doesn't have all the answers either but gives a strong argument for why we can't continue to live a lie simply because it is the easiest way. I wish you the best, it can be a rough road but really it is a small price to pay for the true freedom and peace of mind you will someday have. My prayers are with you in this journey.

  • Focus

    Dear flower

    I'm afraid this one is crude, but it best reflects what will await you if you revert to Satan's Organization:

    "If you piss into the wind, you are going to end up wet"

    So don't be silly, girl... you owe it to yourself, and even to any god that you might still believe in. The Watchtower Creed is a pack of lies and deceit and trickery, from top to bottom. That there are good people within the cult is a tragedy. Do not add to that tragedy.

    If you want a theological argument against going back to the Whore, read:


    and use your brain. If there is no Bible-type God, the Watchtower is a false religion. If there is a Bible-type God, God is instructing you that the Watchtower is a false religion.


    Get it?

    ( http://www.intrex.net/tallyman/the_list.html Class)

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