For believers, how does God discipline those he loves?

by journey-on 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    To my knowledge there is no religion that believes or promotes what I have said. I did not hear it from anyone. I have always been a skeptic about things that were far fetched and sci-fi and thought UFO's as being cartoon fantasy. It has only recently come together for me.

  • journey-on

    So, this is a belief you organized based on various and sundry religious, historical, and cultural studies you've done?

  • exwhyzee

    I think God's laws (if that's what they really are) are about protecting us from our own short sightedness and limited experience. The punishment may be in the outcome of breaking those laws.

  • cameo-d


    I would not call it a "belief" as in a religion. These ideas are speculations and conclusions I am beginning to form based on a lot of research I have done into many areas. I find that a lot of these speculations are upheld and linked throughout "various and sundry" avenues.

  • AGuest

    "Discipline" is what is given to "disciples" dear JO (peace to you!). It is training. "Disciples" are "disciplined"... or trained... by their leader. As dear Ms. Sylvie (hey, sugah, peace to you, too!)... pointed out, therefore, God disciplines through the One He appointed as leader, Christ. That one disciplines us first, by example. Second, by what he says/teaches. Third, by warning of what the outcome will be if we don't follow his example and/or listen to his voice.

    We currently exist in darkness, dear one... because we are blind. Oh, yeah, we THINK we see. But while we see what exists in the physical world, we cannot see what is beyond that (and there is MUCH beyond that, including those who want your spirit). We see how to get THROUGH this darkness, however, if we "navigate" it properly... which we do by following him... the LIGHT, which shines in the darkness so as to help us SEE... and the WORD, which SPEAKS to us... as we walk ("step here, child... no, wait, stop, there is danger... okay, turn here... walk there... LIKE this..." etc.). Both serve as GUIDES to us.

    If we follow him... we receive training ("walk THIS way"). If we listen to him... we receive training ("do this, child, but not that"). Which is NOT punishment!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But, as with any training regiment discipline can be HARD. It can require getting up when one doesn't want to... running when one is tired (and in freezing, pouring rain)... learning to live on next to nothing because rations are low, walking through waist high "muck"... while carrying a 100-lb. "kit" on your back. Sometimes, the kit AND your fellow journeyer. That stuff can be HARD.

    And NO discipline is joyous, but grievous. However, one can make such training/discipline EASIER... by joinging CHRIST... and becoming "yoked" to HIM. In doing so... one carries carry HIS "load"... while he, in turns, carries such one's. And this is a GREAT benefit, indeed a DEAL... because HIS load... is light... indeed, lighter than any load ANY of us have.

    The Most Holy One of Israel does not try us with evil... or punish us. How do we know? LOOK... at Christ. If, then, you are having tribulation in the world it did not come from God. It came from NOT looking at Christ, who could lead you through... or by not listening to him but to someone else, including yourself. You didn't ACCEPT his discipline... because, well, it was hard. Or boring. Or grievous. As all training is.

    I hope this helps, and I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA... who may need to take a sleeping pill now... because that Diet Coke is NOT wearing off!! Thank goodness tomorrow's Saturday...

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hi Journey-on,

    I'll take a crack at this...having been the subject of His harsh discipline after clear warnings. By experience, I know He can even use satan to try us.

    By faith we know that God disciplines those in covenant relationship with Him for their own good, that they might be partakers of His holiness (i.e. conformity to Christ's image) as expressed in Hebrews 12.

    He will not let His children get away with anything when it is time to learn the lessons He has for us; that because He loves us beyond measure as the cross declares so poignantly.

    God knows exactly what we need to come to the place where we love/appreciate Him and what He has accomplished for us.

    He never disciplines beyond our capacity to endure...but will provide a way of escape for us...even in the midst of discipline.

    Often He will use His word to correct us....and/or His word to relieve/comfort us in the process.

    Discipline is effective when we see the be-attitudes reflected in our walk. (i.e. mourning over our spiritual poverty and hungering after righteousness etc.).

    The end of discipline is obedience of faith.

    If only parents knew how to discipline (as opposed to punishing) we would have far healthier and happier homes.

    But I digress.


  • journey-on


    I think God's laws (if that's what they really are) are about protecting us from our own short sightedness and limited experience. The punishment may be in the outcome of breaking those laws.
    Short but thoughtful. You made me think: I detected you might have an uncertainty in your post, however, as to what "God's laws" are. And because we are disconnected from Him at times, we stumble and falter. When we find ourselves off the path and in the dirt (so to speak), we feel that disconnect in a very personal way. If we reach for Him with right motive and a submission to Him, he, in turn, reaches down and lifts us up. Ahhh, now we see. Discipline.
  • journey-on

    Vanderhoven7 (I am honored that you made your first post on my thread. As Shelby would say, PEACE TO YOU!)

    I drew much from your words, too. Very insightful.

    Often He will use His word to correct us....and/or His word to relieve/comfort us in the process

    Yes, indeed! I have felt that before! You feel like you're walking through fire, but He's there helping you get through it. You feel His strength and discipline, but at the same time, you feel his tender love. It's an awesome thing!

    Discipline is effective when we see the be-attitudes reflected in our walk. (i.e. mourning over our spiritual poverty and hungering after righteousness etc.).

    I loved the way you put this...BE-attitudes, the Way to be in order to feel his discipline and submit to it. Indeed, "the end of discipline is obedience of faith". Thank you for that.

    So glad you're on board!!~Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  • cameo-d

    If something good happens---God is rewarding you.

    If something bad happens----Satan is tempting you, punishing you.

    If something bad happens---sometimes its not Satan, it's just God "disciplining" you.

    Sheesh. Until people can learn to take personal responsibility for their actions and for the ensuing results of their actions, they will never know what discipline is all about.

    I suspect some people think of discipline in terms of making the meeting on time four nights a week. Where that actually has nothing to do with SPIRITUAL disciplines.

  • journey-on

    I get your points, cameo-d.

    I don't know exactly how to explain it convincingly, but in reference to your above three "somethings", all I can say for myself is that there is an internal knowing when a relational dynamic is going on with the teacher. It's not about personal action, but about a personal interaction, and you just know the difference. Maybe that's what He means when he tells you to have "eyes to see and ears to hear".

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