For believers, how does God discipline those he loves?

by journey-on 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I'm glad you asked!

    You know about Jesus' admonition to be merciful, right?

    Say a situation arises in which you have the opportunity to show mercy, but refuse to do so.

    Then, there comes a time when you have a need for mercy to be shown to you.

    You can be sure that you'll remember that time when you didn't show mercy, and will feel sorrow over it.

    Chances are, you'll never let that happen again.

    Such is the way of God's discipline.


  • beksbks

    As for Hebrews, it almost seems as if life itself is discipline.

    " 7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8 If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons."

  • snowbird

    It is discipline, Bek.

    And, hard work.

    Especially for believers.


  • beksbks

    Hmph, how about especially for good souls?

  • snowbird

    Ok, for good souls.

    However, as believers, we often get beat up a lot - from ourselves as well as others.

    I know, I do.


  • beksbks

    See, my take is that observing the hell in the world is the punishment. And it only hurts you if you are a good soul. I know it hurts me.

  • snowbird

    It hurts me, too, but I have faith that it won't last forever.

    O, happy day!


  • beksbks

    Me too angel, just not for the same reasons

  • cameo-d


    this planet is a testing ground and life is a mine field.

    That's interesting, cameo-d. For what purpose do you think we are being tested and by whom?

    This planet is known as the Refiner's Fire. That is the reason for all the wars, bloodshed, arguing, divisions, cruelties, injustices, slavery, etc.

    We are put in these situations and refined by overcoming them. How do we overcome these things? There are 7 aspects of the Spirit of the Creator. This is why you see the number 7 in relation to candlesticks. This is what produces the Light. The 7 aspects are wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and reliance of faith in trials (as in having a Divine purpose).

    I have articulated a bit more on this in another post. It's on the first page of this thread ( fourth down):

    (don't know why it's not clickable??)

  • journey-on

    cameo-d....I will not ridicule your belief. But, did you read this on some website and decided it rang a chord with you and decide to embrace this "religion" or did you "hear" it from someone. I'm curious.

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