Adam and Eve and free will

by inbetween 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento
    I am discussing what it SAYS, you are discussin what you WANT it to say.

    I don't want it to say ANYTHING at all dude, It is and always was, a story nothing more, nothing less.

    Take it and interpret it as you will with whatever glasses you choose to wear.

    You shoudl see the take on genesis in regards to adma and eve, not as people, but as "A" people.

  • sabastious

    So you are telling me that there a hebrew word that denotes an "unknown stretch of time" and this word was used to tell Adam and Eve how long it would take for them to die if they ate from the tree?


  • PSacramento


    1) day, time, year

    a) day (as opposed to night)

    b) day (24 hour period)

    1) as defined by evening and morning in Genesis 1

    2) as a division of time

    a) a working day, a day's journey

    c) days, lifetime (pl.)

    d) time, period (general)

    e) year

    f) temporal references

    1) today

    2) yesterday

    3) tomorrow

  • sabastious

    God: "Do not eat from that Tree or you shall die at some period of time after it has been eaten!"

    Adam: "lolwut?"


  • PSacramento
    So you are telling me that there a hebrew word that denotes an "unknown stretch of time" and this word was used to tell Adam and Eve how long it would take for them to die if they ate from the tree?

    I am not telling you anything, I am suggesting a view and there are many others out there to, if youchoose to reviewed them.

    God told Adam that, on the DAY he ATE the fruit, he would die, but he didn't die, did he?

    SO that must mean that what was said did NOT state or imply immediate death and Adam and Eve knew that, notice how there is no wonder and surprise that they did NOT fall over dead?

    So, are you insinuating that the writer(s) of genesis didn't catch that little problem when they wrote it? even though they WROTE it THAT way?

  • sabastious

    I'm saying that if someone is going to suggest that it MUST mean something else then WHAT did it mean?

    You reference that word and say it could mean basically any given time period... which doesn't help it just adds confusion to the story.

    What was God saying to Adam when he said that? Why do we have to jump through hoops and accomplish mental gymnastics over this simple part of the story of Adam and Eve???

    I mean, from my standpoint the story needs to be trashed. If the writer is trying to be clever then he fails in my book. If the writer is trying to make sense he fails in my book. So when it's all said and done this story is a wash and it's dumbfounding that so many people take it as literal human history.


  • sabastious

    The story of Adam and Eve is NOT thought-provoking or deep. And as a literal story is makes absolutely no sense (i.e women were made from man's rib?? what?).

    It needs to fade away but that's just wishful thinking on my part.


  • sabastious

    As a lesson it is stupid, I could write a better story to explain why it's bad to want more than what you have. As an alegory is it convoluted.


  • sabastious

    The GOSPELS are the Bible's claim to fame, there is some timeless stuff in there with REAL HUMAN LESSONS... for some reason people feel that the rest of the crazy Bible needs to be held with the same esteem, I think that is a gross oversight in history.


  • PSacramento

    All of Genesis is a story to explain to ancient man how the world came to be and how man came to be 'borken and away from God, the source of all life.

    It is not science, just a story and whether Adam was A person or repesentative of A people, whther he even lived at all in the sense we have in Genesis, is irrelevant for the "moral" of the story.

    See, even the first tiem I read genesis and saw they they didn't die right away, I assumed that the death was more symbolic and a metaphore for something greater than just a "oen time" punishment.

    Could the story have been written better? well, from our POV in the 21st century, sure, but that isn't the point, it was NOT targeted to US.

    God gave Adam everything he could need, but Adam and Eve WANTED more, their desire for their wantes took over they repercussions that they were told would happen, not to strange from what still happens to US nowadays, eh?

    God warned Adam and Adam warned Eve that they would Die and they did, their bodies became old and feeble, every day that pasted they died a little more, they payed the ultimate price for their WANTS, they paid with their lives.

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