A You a Ward of the Watch Tower?

by cameo-d 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    What made Jesus 'perfect'?

    He followed the laws of his own conscience. We were all born with the innate ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil.

    Why are we not 'perfect'?

    The problem is that we have allowed the influences of desire, envy, greed, anger, jealousy, etc. to influence our actions in a way that is against what we know in our conscience. We allow ourselves to act on these negative emotions because we justify our wrong doing. Knowing it is innately, morally wrong to wish harm on others, we do so because we perceive they have unjustly caused harm to us.

    How have others caused harm to us?

    It is because we ourselves have allowed them to do so. It has been with our own Consent. We have given up our personal power over to them through pledges of allegiances and loyalty. Rather than trusting our own sense of ethics and good, we have given up our own common sense by giving an oath to support some religion or government and in so doing have pledged to abide by their rules and not our own conscience.

    We have transferred the ownership of our own souls to some corporate entity.

    Parable of the Virgins

    In this parable, the virgins represent those who have not transferred their personal power in order to support some ruling power. A virgin is one who is not owned.

    Once you are Baptized into any religion, you have participated in a consummation ritual with a corporate entity.

    Once you have pledged an allegiance to a government, you have entered into an agreement to uphold all dictates of the ruling power whether you agree with them or not. Once you have taken the blood oath of a secret society to blind obedience and to 'cover over' the evil committed by others of the sect, you have grieved the innate Holy Spirit within yourself by going against your conscience by agreeing to be held by threat. Once you have pledged the baptism oath of any religion....you are owned by your chosen rulers.

    You Must Be Judgement Proof

    In order to be one of "the Virgins" you must be judgement proof. If you have a judgement against you such as being disfellowshipped, you are still a Watch Tower ward. Why? Because your withdrawal was by decree and not stated on your own terms. The only way out of this contract must be very explicit wording. A disassociation letter arguing the points of your religious beliefs still leaves you as an errant Ward of the Watch Tower.

    The Only Way Out

    The only way out of this binding Baptismal oath is to renounce, revoke, rescind, null and void your Baptismal oath. Your letter of retraction should not be arguing biblical dogma, but rather discussing the corporate business that it is. Your letter should be polite and business like suggesting that you have been defrauded without actually saying so. Perhaps you could mention that it has recently come to your attention that there were political liabilities which attached to your baptism that you were previously unaware of. (Did you even know about the political decree of shunning before you 'jumped in"?) In your letter of Disassociation and Severance you must also demand that your name be removed from their rolls and their files purged of any and all contracts bearing your name. Anything less, still leaves you a Ward of the Watch Tower.

  • cameo-d

    In it's beginnings, Baptism was not designed to be a consummation ritual. It has been twisted into a public display of confirmation to the "Right of Rule" by an evil faction within our world.

    It is my thought that Baptism was originally a Remedy to relieve one of the oaths, pledges, and allegiances he had taken by "washing them off" and renouncing them publically. Today we must do this by writing legal documents and by our behavior of not returning to the vomit.

  • wobble

    I would not recommend any who are simply trying to fade take any such action.

    It depends when you were baptised, the vows I took in 1962 said nothing about loyalty to the Org, simply that one looked for salvation through Jesus Christ.

    It matters not that they think they have a hold over you, unless you let it matter.

    They are an insignificant little Cult, once you have left just leave them in your past.

  • cantleave

    Any Letter of disassociation will result in you being shunned by family members. Any letter of disassociation is playing by their rules. Therefore, no letter of disassociation is the best course of action. Just Fade away and avoid there approaches.

  • cameo-d

    Wobble: "I would not recommend any who are simply trying to fade take any such action."

    Taking back your personal power and your claim of sovereign birthright to walk guided by your own conscience seems a difficult task for those who are weak willed. Granted, the course of action outlined is certainly not for everyone. Many people do not want to take the responsibility for their own actions and thus, they do need someone to rule over them.

    Wobble: "It depends when you were baptised, the vows I took in 1962 said nothing about loyalty to the Org, simply that one looked for salvation through Jesus Christ."

    It depends on when you were baptised? Did you make that up yourself, Wobble? Of course you did! You are using that an excuse designed to deny that there is a legally existing contract. Your baptism is a legal contract of allegiance and loyalty no matter when you were baptised. The baptism is a public confirmation of the contract of rulership. Nevermind that the contract may be fraudulent, as in being told that they are God's mouthpiece.

    If I told you I was the Queen of Sheeba and you believed me....regardless of whether I am lying or not.....and you took a pledge to serve me based on my promise of some future paradise I would lead you to.....you have still entered a contract with me. When you later learn that I have misrepresented myself, the honorable thing to do is, not to hide from my wrath and long arm of punishment, but to extract yourself completely! You may be a runaway slave, but I still have a contract that proves I own you.

    As far as "saying nothing" about loyalty to the org. there are things within a contract known as "adhesions" and implied intent. These are cleverly designed deceptions. Much in your contract with WT was undisclosed, which actually makes it a fraudulent contract. Were you given full disclosure about the rules and regulations of the "Society"? Were you made aware of all the corporate policies, i.e. shunning, shepherding calls, turning in corporate time cards, meeting attendance requirements, policies dictating what you may read and may not read, corporate dictates on approved entertainment, etc?

    Wobble:"It matters not that they think they have a hold over you, unless you let it matter."

    My dog hides under the bed when it thunders. He thinks hiding makes him "disappear" from the Thunder Gods. A runaway slave is still a slave. A legal piece of paper is still a contract until you say the magic words to dissolve it.

    Wobble: "They are an insignificant little Cult, once you have left just leave them in your past."

    Is it so easily done if you are married? And a contract does marry you. This is why you must reclaim your Virginity in order to truly escape. You do this by denying, nulling and voiding the contracts.

    If you are married and you simply walk away, are you still liable? Are you free? Does walking away truly dissolve the matter? Are you still looking over your shoulder? Minding your p's and q's? Hiding your true self?

    If you are married, are you free to contract with another? Will you be free to consummate a marriage with the True Bridegroom? That would be a judgement of bigamy against you. You must be judgment proof. Can you simply desert and be free of the obligation and contract? A runaway slave is still a legally owned slave.

  • Borgdrone

    I am trying to fade and it seems to be working. The month end is today and the field service reports are due this week. There is one elder that will approach me for my time slip. Are there any tips I can use to get him off my back?

  • Soldier77

    Either 1) lie and give him 2 hours of time, say it was informal witnessing bullshit. 2) tell him that you did not have a chance to go out because you were ill. Not entirely a lie, because I get ill everytime I think of going out in service trying to recruit people to this cult and I won't do it.

    Or just tell him you are needing time to sort things out and need your space, of course that could have him go into shephard mode and cause hell.

  • cameo-d

    Borgdrone: "The month end is today and the field service reports are due this week. There is one elder that will approach me for my time slip. Are there any tips I can use to get him off my back?"

    You agreed to the terms and conditions. You are the one who committed to do this. The elder is only acting because you have given him your permission. You pledged to be a Watch Tower slave when you joined the Organization. Comply or bend over for your 40 lashes. Should a slave be greater than his Master?

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Tell the elder that you have zero hours to report, so if there's not a slip in the box that means there's nothing to report...I told them that 2 or 3 months in a row and they finally seemed to realize that if there's no slip, there's nothing to report (duh) - it sucks, I know.

    You could also say that you haven't reported any of the Christian acts of charity that you've done over the past month, because Jehovah is well aware of the things you do in secret, and doesn't need a report. (only if you want to stir up a little bit of sh*t!)

  • Borgdrone

    Soldier77: I like your methods the best and will give it try.

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