Blood Fractions

by 92 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wasblind

    Alice says: "This is the reasoning as to why the use of blood fractions can be acceptable"

    then alice says: " as the fraction has no sound medical purpose?"

    Alice, if blood fractions have no sound medical purpose, why would anyone accept them ?

  • wasblind

    Good night Alice, thanks for inviting us to your post,

    can't say you were a very good hostess though

    because you left your own party.


    Alice says: "Common sense 101: What would be the point in eating blood or a blood fraction as the fraction has no sound medical purpose?"

    Alice, on page 73 in the Reasoning from the Scriptures book they ask "Is a transfusion really the same as eating blood?"

    within the paragraph they compare a blood transfusion as the same thing as eating it. the comparison they use is that of

    an alcoholic they state :"consider a man who is told by the doctor that he must abstain from alcohol. Would he be obedient

    if he quit drinking alcohol but had it put directly into his veins ? "


    The use of blood fractions for medical purposes doesn't necessarily show disrespect for the sanctity of blood, but there's no reason to eat them for no good reason.

  • palmtree67
    The use of blood fractions for medical purposes doesn't necessarily show disrespect for the sanctity of blood, but there's no reason to eat them for no good reason.

    That's it????

    That's all you have to say?????

    You just totally ignored TD's post????

    Just like you choose to ignore his extremely inciteful and well-researchded posts on the thread I cited for you??????????

  • wasblind

    ok i'm back

    Alice, if i eat a stake or burger, there might be fractions still there

    i will eat it, why, because i'm HUNGRY.

  • wasblind

    Alice now says: "The use of blood fractions for medical purposes doesn't necessarily show disrespect for the sanctity of blood"

    Alice said before that : "" as the fraction has no sound medical purpose?"

    Again i ask alice on her own thread, why use blood fractions if they have no medical purpose?


    "Most childhood vaccinations involve blood at some point in their production. Examples would include MMR II, MUMPSVAX, ATTENUVAX and MURAVAX II by Merck & Co. The growth mediums for these vaccines (e.g. Medium 199, MEM, etc) typically contain both human albumin and fetal bovine serum. Additionally the vaccines themselves contain human albumin as an adjuvant or excipient. Other examples of this include VARIVAX and VAQTA, also by Merck & Co., EOLARIX, INFANRIX, and GLAXO by SmithKline Beecham, PENTACEL by Aventis Pasteur, and Connaught Laboratories IPV just to name a few. The acceptance of some of these vaccines is virtually unavoidable in modern society."

    MMR II contains the fraction albumin (0.3 mg). Proof of MMR vaccination is required for school entry so it's not optional.

    "You're co-opting blood banking terminology which is simply reflective of the way blood is packaged and sold to medical and laboratory facilities and nothing else. Most college level textbooks do not list plasma as a component. Plasma is the colloid created when the albumin protein is suspended in water. Albumin solutions are osmotically equivalent to normal plasma. The difference between an albumin solution and normal plasma is the presence of additional proteins that Witnesses consider to be 'matters of conscience.'"

    Blood plasma fractionation is an extensive process to separate these agents out. The isolated proteins carry some distance from blood plasma itself, but it's not just a matter of these proteins being "non-blood." The effort that goes into blood fractionation constitutes an adequate effort to abstain from blood (in my mind anyway). It's not the blatant misuse of blood.

    "Human hemoglobin is unique to human blood."

    I've only looked into it briefly, but from what I've read, human hemoglobin is also found outside red blood cells and their progenitor lines. Other cells that contain hemoglobin include dopaminergic neurons, macrophages, alveolar cells, and mesangial cells in the kidney. In these tissues, hemoglobin has a non-oxygen-carrying function as an antioxidant and a regulator of iron metabolism.

    "LOL Blood is ubiquitous in modern medicine. Everyone in developed countries has accepted a blood fraction at some point in their lives."

    The fractions themselves may be unavoidable, but modern medicine has yet to remove the health-risks of blood transfusions as an automatic practice. I don't think the fractions in vaccines justify the blatant misuse of blood. If there are alternatives, more educated people are choosing to use them.

    Even cryoprecipitate and clotting factors carry disease risks. What was written 2000 years ago still has a modern application.

    If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!” Acts 15:29

  • palmtree67
    I don't think the fractions in vaccines justify the blatant misuse of blood.

    Uhhhhhh, I don't think anyone here was advocating the blatant misuse of blood.

    It's the GB nitpicking over fractions, not anyone here.

  • wasblind

    Alice says: "The fractions themselves may be unavoidable"

    Alice, now your talking, go have a burger on me.


    "I have a strong feeling that you are counting time for service. When God finally confronts you, I wonder if he will bring up all the time you spent on this board trying to sway others away from him... I wonder if he will say, "Alice (or whatever your name is), why did you spend 2000+ hours trying to sway my servants away from me and fool them into thinking that the WT was my organization?" What will you say?"

    You can ask the same questions of militant atheists.

    Sam Harris: Science Must Destroy Religion

    The conflict between religion and science is inherent and (very nearly) zero-sum. The success of science often comes at the expense of religious dogma; the maintenance of religious dogma always comes at the expense of science. It is time we conceded a basic fact of human discourse: either a person has good reasons for what he believes, or he does not. When a person has good reasons, his beliefs contribute to our growing understanding of the world. We need not distinguish between "hard" and "soft" science here, or between science and other evidence-based disciplines like history. There happen to be very good reasons to believe that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Consequently, the idea that the Egyptians actually did it lacks credibility. Every sane human being recognizes that to rely merely upon "faith" to decide specific questions of historical fact would be both idiotic and grotesque — that is, until the conversation turns to the origin of books like the bible and the Koran, to the resurrection of Jesus, to Muhammad's conversation with the angel Gabriel, or to any of the other hallowed travesties that still crowd the altar of human ignorance.

    According to what is stated above, religion is man-made. But even before this opinion grew in popularity, acceptance of what the Bible teaches and God playing an active role in a person's life still worked off a premise of interest. I remember going out in service before the internet and more times than not, I'd hear; "I'm not interested" and the door would shut. And even now, many people I've talked to informally don't know the basics of what Jehovah's Witnesses teach. The point is people don't reject the Bible's message for any other reason than they're not interested. And these individuals cannot be swayed or fooled into interest.

    uw chap. 3 p. 21 par. 3 Keep a Firm Grip on the Word of God

    Of course, many to whom we speak do not share our conviction that the Bible really is the Word of God. How can we help them? Often, the very best way is to open the Bible and show them what it contains. “The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword . . . and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12) “The word of God” is his word of promise, recorded in the Bible. It is not dead history but is alive and irresistibly moves toward fulfillment. As it does so, the true heart motivations of persons who are brought in touch with it become manifest as to meeting the conditions. Its influence is far more powerful than anything that we personally might say.

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