Your Opinions Please!!!!

by Ranchette 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Oh get OFF it Prissypants!

    You're just irate that now folks know you for what you really are. You can dish it out but you can't take it. I've heard you trashing Tina's appearance, calling her a drag queeen etc. You never hesitate to say shitty things about others; as you prove every time you talk to Wendy. I was in chat the night you were screeching at Jan H insisting he reveal the members of the alleged secret elite mail list, screaming at him that you KNEW he was on the list. YOu were not then, nor have you ever been, ladylike.

    You were sure happy to let Stephanus post pics of some hot biker babes in leather and were quite willing to pretend to inquirers that it was you. Your protests about Sydney Bethel and your need for privacy are just bullshit. If you were so paranoid about your identity, why go to all the apostofests and let your pic be taken in the first place? Oh right... because you're a coward, too chickenshit to tell your family the truth about your double life.

    You're just mad that now people have seen what a fat cow you really are. Don't want your pic splattered on the internet? Quit playing games and acting coy, keep your picture in your pants with your brain.

    I've been sick of your whinging for months, and I'm not alone in that opinion.

    Nobody anywhere gives a rat's ass if you're in or out of the cult. Your paranoia is your problem. DEAL WITH IT and shut the hell up already. Just quite whining. Nobody cares about your widdle hurt feelings.

  • teejay

    I'm sorry if some are sick of this issue, but it is one that is very important to others on this board, not just me. I just happen to be the one who is speaking up about it.


    You remind me of something that strikes at the very core of "why a"

    Most of us are here due to our connection with the Jehovah's Witness religion. "Worldly" people (for the lack of a better expression) might come along and say to each and every one of us: "Why don't you jerks get over it? That was YEARS ago. Why keep bringing it up?"

    On the one hand, they have a good point. Then again, on the other hand, do they? Really?

    Yes, what happened to Prisca happened (quote) "a long time ago" (close quote) but how many of those hoping to dismiss the wrong done to her would be as easily dismissive if the wrong had been done TO THEM? If the shoe was on the other foot, I doubt there would be as many saying, "Get over it."

  • Prisca

    oh shut MD. You are nothing but white trash, and this post proves it.

    It's got nothing to do with my looks. I have no problem with my looks.

    It's to do with the issues I discussed in my last post. If you don't understand it, then ask someone in your trailer park who can read to explain it to you.

  • tyydyy


    You Go Girl!!! I hope we find out who the perp is. In the meantime I am reminded of an expression my Grandmother used a lot....."The guilty dog barks the loudest"......I sure hear some barking going on here. LOL


  • Tatiana

    JERRY!!!! JERRY!!!! JERRY!!!!!

    I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow. (William Blake, A Poison Tree)

  • think41self


    I will probably regret posting my opinion on this matter, but since you asked...

    I saw the thread where Kent posted Prisca's pic. I don't care how Kent rationalized was blackmail in my opinion.

    I saw that Kent and Prisca were in chat immediately after it happened and I went in there to voice my opinion to Kent. I also voiced it on the thread in question. I told him it was wrong to try to silence someone by threats in this manner...I don't care how pissed off you are at them!

    I understand Prisca's outrage at the attempted intimidation this was. I also understand her outrage that someone she sent her pic to forwarded it to someone else without her permission. That was wrong, in my opinion.

    Just about everyone here has voiced that it is a person's own personal choice when they should have to face the consequences of being "out" with their family members. No one else has the right to try to force that issue.

    Prisca, what others may be trying to tell you, because this is the way I feel about it too, is that it's a done deal. People expressed their outrage and support of your feelings. There is nothing any of us can do about it now. We cannot make Kent change his personality, nor can we make the person who sent him the pic fess up. It may well have been an innocent matter, we just don't know.

    Your continuing to bring it up time and time again, I don't care if you feel that it is in related threads, makes it appear that you are attempting to keep bringing the focus back to yourself and the wrong that was done to you. Insisting that you will get to the bottom of it is unreasonable in my opinion as you have no control over forcing the person who posted it to come forward. THAT is why people are saying you should once and for all drop it on the board as there is no reasonable course of action that can address your feelings on the matter.

    I am not telling you to get over it or any such nonsense. I do not feel that you did anything stupid in sending your pic to a few friends. I am sorry that you had to learn a tough lesson from it. I have learned to be very careful what I reveal to others "on the net" also. I just think it is time to let it go. That's all. Discuss it with friends privately, seek support that way if you feel the need. Keep discussing it here if you feel you must. But again, it does make it appear to some that it is a cry for attention. And to keep bringing it up makes every thread it is in deteriorate. It is your decision.


  • VeniceIT

    Ok here's my opinion of all this.

    IT's HORRIBLE that anyone would post personal info on anyone else that they want to keep secret. This goes for what happend to Prisca and others as well.

    They don't want that out becuase they don't want attention drawn to who they really are. OK that's fine, BUT here's my big point. If you'd just let it go, or puruse it on other channels then WE'D ALL FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!!

    It was too bad it happend in the first place, but each time you bring it up, you open yourself up for hurt and for someone to figure out what happened.

    I'm not saying this last comment about this thread but about some others. I'm SICK AND TIRED of people bringing the same thing up, maybe something that happend to them, into every stinking thread, and keep complaining about it.

    What's done is done. And the more you talk about it in this kind of a situation the WORSE it's gonna get. So I think if your still really upset about then deal with it, but not on this 'open', 'public' forum.

    And here's another question to stop and ask yourselves. What came of it??? I mean REALLY what, besides your hurt feelings, was the real outcome???? I think that should be taken into consideration when you decide to keep bringing it up.

    We would all have forgotten about the pics by now if it wasn't continually brought up!


    Who's just sick of all the fighting by everyone, GET OVER IT!

    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Prisca


    The issue did "go away" until Kismet was similarly blackmailed.

    So unfortunately, the issue of revealing of private information of posters by posters is still with us.

    I think it's very revealing what people are not saying, rather than what is being said.

  • Mulan

    I'm lost. I don't know what happened, but this is making me want to know. I thought Prisca WAS Sandra Bullock. Well, okay, not really, but close, right?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Prisca


    Some on this board will tell you what an ugly person I am, others who have met me will tell you much more flattering comments.

    The issue is not that people know what I look like (big deal!) but, rather, that a private pic was posted publically with the intent of "outing" me as an "apostate". They did it to hurt and embarrass me.

    Now the similar thing is being done to Kismet. Possibly by the same people.

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