I studied the The Paradise Book...

by teejay 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    "... soul-chilling terror will spread through the masses...
    a flesh-eating plague will destroy many... eaten up will be
    the tongues of those who scoffed and laughed at the warning
    of Armageddon! Eaten up will be the eyes of those who refused
    to see the sign of the 'time of the end'!"

    A preview of a coming attraction down at the Cineplex? NO! One of my favorite passages--quoted verbatim--from page 209 from that bedtime storybook From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained that I and thousands of others studied when we were widdle bitty kids! Look at the thrilling picture that accompanied the soul-stirring message!!!

    In the following pic, notice the little girl in the upper right-hand corner... holding onto her doll as she falls to her death at Jehovah's Mighty Hand! You gotta love it!

    Wow. Seeing these pics brought back all sorts of warm, fuzzy memories! What happened to those good ol' days?! Thanks, Watchtower Society!!

    p.s. Talley says, "Hey" and if anyone's interested, you can find him at http://www.intrex.net/tallyman/

  • TMS

    The pink cover and large print belied the serious condemnatory message of this children's book.


  • Ranchette


    Yes, instead of my mother reading fairy tales or Mother Goose when I was 2yr-4yrs this is what she shared with me.
    This was heavy stuff for a little child.The photos were so scary to me.

    I remember the photo in the story about the parting of the Red sea.
    It showes the people drowing in large waves along with chariots and horses.
    I would cry and ask my mom why Jehovah had to kill all those horses!
    If he was all poweful as she taught me this made him mean in my eyes.
    She would always try to explain it away and then just make me feel terrible for questioning Jah.


  • LB

    Oh I can feel the love for mankind in those pics. Yep, sign me up.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • ARoarer

    Teejay and Ranchette, that is so disturbingfor little children. Seeing the pictures of the little girl with the doll, and the little doggie makes me so aware that those men up in thier tower of darkness have no concern whatsoever for children, let alone any other thing that represents, innocence. No wonder they care little of sexual abuse issues, womens issues, batterwives, or suicidal youths. They are heartless and very cruel. I have been seeing a therapist since I started staying away from the Kingdom Hall, actually had cut out all the horrific pictures from the books and brochures, and we talked about how awfully scarey those pictures were, and my guilt for allowing those pictures to be part of my own childrens indoctrination, and he said to me that those pictures seemed more Satanic, and fearful, than a Holiday like Halloween with a little girl ballerina coming to the door trick or treating. The logic was so clear. That week I gave out so much candy to little trick or treaters and had so much fun doing it!!!!!!

  • Marilyn

    My mother agreed to a *Bible* study for me and my brother when we were about 8 and 10 - coz we didn't like Sunday school at the local Congregational Church. The study of the Paradise book was a success. It was probably the fear factor that worked where the gentler approach of sunday school failed. Kids are mesmerized by violence, whatever form it takes. I know that I developed a most unhealthy fear of the end of the world, which took me years to rationalise. It would be interesting to compare books and ascertain how many became JWs as a result of what book they studied. I suspect the paradise book would be right up there at the top.

  • Tatiana


    teejay, I immediately thought of tallyman when I saw this. Thanks for the link.

    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • teejay


    You make solid points. What the therapist said makes the sort of sense that too many of us never considered.

    Not to defend the Society, but how do YOU see the bible's Armageddon?

    Won't it look something like this?

    Won't Jehovah God do every one of these things, and worse?

    Won't little kids all over the world (and puppy dogs, too) die in a global cataclysm at Jehovah's Hand?

    Didn't He drown a world of people already? Can you say "Noah"?


    Yep this is the book the nice Watctower lady studied with me and my mom with when I was 7 or 8. My favorite picture tho was of the fox Adam had. I think thats when I first started liking women with long hair. I remember dreaming about making it into paradise and having a
    beautiful wife like Eve. I still see her picture in my minds eye.

  • Focus

    AIRVIEW1 wrote:

    I remember dreaming about [..] having a beautiful wife like Eve. I still see her picture in my minds eye.
    Sorry, the fox in question was taken to wife and to bed (and not in that order either) by Bro. Nate Knorr, who mauled her every aperture .. at Bethel too.

    Kinda made how Freddie Franz starched those laundry boys rather pale and mooney in comparison.

    (Lusting Rachel Class)

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