Y R Active JWs Here???

by plmkrzy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Id say that assessment is just about spot on..

  • Englishman

    Hee hee! It takes you 41 visits to discover this is Satans playground?

    Pull the other one, Plmkrzy, it's got bells on!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • plmkrzy

    refinersfire/flower ect..
    I do agree with you on that. I don't believe that anyone completely convinced of thier faith would give this place the time of day.
    Englishman What makes you think I found Satans playground at all?

  • LB

    I'm inactive now and will stay that way, but, I was active when I went to H20. At first I thought I was defending the borg. Then I found myself wanting to get out of the borg so I defected and didn't return. Now that I'm a couple of years out I enjoy coming here to assoicate with people who actually understand what it was like being a member of the collective.

    I think most active JW's are just curious. After all they've been told to stay away from places like this. Others do want to "help" us to get back. But some, are here just to cause trouble. You Know comes to mind there.

    I'm not serious minded these days and I try to find a reason to enjoy life. I'm not as hung up about the WBTS as I once was. But many here have suffered greatly at their hands. Your heart has to bleed for them.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • plmkrzy

    I know what you mean, the reason I began logging on here was to just see what it was all about. Where else can a person go with this kind of background?
    Everyone here comes from different parts of the world and bring with them different levels of education but we all have this in common. We can agree or disagree it doesn't matter we all relate to pretty much the same thing. I don't know of any other group of people that can compare to this.
    But when I was ,and I was at one time, sure that JWs had the only "TRUTH" I never would have logged on here. It would only be serving as a trap influenced by Satan to draw me away from the "Truth"

  • proplog2

    I am a JW in good standing - third generation - grand parents started in the 1920's.

    I don't agree with 80% of their teachings but that's enough to put them at the top of my list. Mostly I stand to lose my inheritance if I quit being a JW.

    I come on here because its one of the few places I can get some good gossip about what's going on behind the "many" closed doors.

    Another reason is to test my ideas. There are enough X-JW's here that understand the JW orientation and are bright enough to give excellent rebuttals to points they disagree with.

    You can be sure that there are high-ranking JW's at Bethel that look in here. This is a better way to get to them then writing a letter.

  • Erich


    I dont think you will ever find a happy, spiritually strong, active JW that has no doubts about his org actually post here.

    This sentence implies that there would be "spiritual strong" JW's who are "active" (semi-pioneer, pioneer etc.) and simultaneously HAPPY (bright eyes, laughing, friendly to all people - whereby "friendly" is coming from the heart and not from mind...)

    Sorry, I have to say this, though I am an active JW since almost 17 years too: I actually never saw such a really "happy" active JW. Including myself.

  • plmkrzy

    Eric. Thanks for the reply, sorry to hear your not happy. I can honestly say that out of all of the witnessess i've known my entire life, THOUSANDS? i know only a hand full who are actually happy people. I mean really happy people.

  • waiting


    Just because someone is happy, doesn't mean much. Think about it....a happy man goes to get a physical checkup and finds he has terminal cancer - or goes home and finds that his daughter has been raped and now pregnant. Or his wife leaves him (well, that's a debatable one).

    Happiness is just that - a feeling which can change within seconds of knowledge. Can it be regained? Yep - but our perspective will be forever changed.

    Just like being a jw. I was an active one for 30 years, came into the org at age of 20. I'm still in good standing, but inactive. Am I happy now? Sometimes. Was I happy then? Sometimes.

    The DIFFERENCE is now I'm regaining freedom of thought. I can read, argue, think, what I want. I can learn what I want. What delicious freedom!

    Why I started coming to the web? Our body of elders screwed us to the tune of about $70,000 plus interest on buying our KH from them. Used God the whole damned time to keep us in our places. We were more worried about getting a $275,000 bank loan than wondering if our elders were conning us.

    LOL! We should have worried about the elders more! We really thought that as a whole the body of elders would act in harmony with Jehovah's spirit. Were we wrong or what! Btw, it was taken to The Society through us and our attorney. They said they'd respond to us. It's been 2 years and I'm still *waiting* for an answer from their attorney.

    But! I truly thought this was a rare thing. Maybe, just maybe, some other poor jw had been taken advantage of by their elders, misunderstood by the Society. Soooooooo, I clicked onto the internet for The Very First Time and typed in Jehovah's Witness.

    As they say........the rest is history. I printed out everything I could, got my own books out, wore out my trusty yellow highlighters and SMACKED myself in the forehead saying "How could I have been that STUPID!!!!!"

    Btw, my husband left with me - of his own free will and freedom. 57 years in the WTBTS. With the exception of the sale, our experiences within the WTBTS were as common as dirt. Shamefully.


  • orangefatcat

    Every active JW that is in here would be disfellowshipped if the elders knew this because they are associating with disfellowshipped persons and that is all the grounds they'd need. The org. trusts persons who imply they are spiritually strong. You know the scripture, bad asssociation spoils useful habits, or maybe some don't think that applies here, The Society tells you over and over to stay out of chat rooms and so in being a strong witness then why do so many come here. My reasoning is that they have developed an urge to see if we might have something or know something that they don't know.Perhaps some feel that maybe the org, is afraid of them being in rooms such as ours,for free they would find out the real truth of what is going on in the Org, and then call into question the veracity of the "Truth".
    I don't consider this "SATAN'S PLAYGROUND". I believe that is rather a dogmatic statment. I feel the people in this playground to be sincere and honest. I for one have made many new friends here, and I am sure they would'nt think that this is Satan's play area, any more than i do. We come here for sincerely help and enjoy conversations. To share a certain common bond, if you wish. These are my feeling on the matter and I hope that i have not offended anyone.

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